Common Sense

Alive And Kicking


Powerbrokers in the media have never liked term limits.

Over and over they write that term limits are dead. Of course, the fact that they write about term limits again and again only shows the activity of the movement, and the ridiculousness of their claims. Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newsletter, has muttered last rites for term limits so many times that we may request a volume discount at the cemetery.

Last year, one career politician defeated another career politician in California’s race for governor. The media called it a sign that the movement had lost steam. Of course, they ignored the fact that at the same time California voters passed a statewide initiative for term limits. In 1998 five states voted on six different measures. All of them passed.

Today, polls show massive voter support for term limits better than 3 out of 4 voters. And without mandatory term limits on Congress, voters favor candidates who limit themselves by a whopping 7 to 1 margin. Media opponents of term limits are at it again, though. While the vast majority of those in Congress who pledged to term-​limit themselves have kept their word, a few are waffling and thus some suggest the movement is doomed.

For goodness sake, it’s never been the politicians leading the charge for term limits. It’s come from the grassroots. Term limits are alive and kicking. In fact, limits on state legislatures will open up 417 seats next year. And many candidates for Congress are already signing the Term Limits Pledge. Mark Twain’s famous retort comes to mind: “Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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