
Video: What We Can Do Now to Help Ferguson


A practical proposal that will solve some of Ferguson’s (and the nation’s) problems:


Yes, there is something practical for you to do now:

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2 replies on “Video: What We Can Do Now to Help Ferguson”

an editorial from bloomberg on police cameras. don’t think i agree but it IS going where you’ve never been before so you have to think it through:

http://​www​.bloombergview​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​es/2014 – 08-​24/​the-​perils-​of-​police-​cameras

i think they could also put 360 degree cameras on the squad cars. but it all adds up to more surveillance, more intrusion and more people watching everything going on and that’s creepy too. cops are masters at baiting people into doing something they might regret when the video is played back.

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