free trade & free markets too much government

Resistance Is Not Futile


Who says signing up for Obamacare is all snarls and snafus?

Thirty-​year-​old law student Brian Mahoney already had a high-​deductible, low-​premium insurance plan. But the day the Obamacare exchanges went online, he decided to check it out. For him, unlike thousands of others, signing up was easy.

Great. Except that … Mahoney had been paying for medical insurance, and now he’s on Medicaid. The website told him he was eligible. Thus, the “success” here is the triumph of making a capable adult less self-​responsible and more dependent on government handouts.

And that’s bad. If we care about our freedom, what we must do is resist appeals, or demands, that we forfeit control over our lives — even if offered a mess of pottage in return. Refuse to cooperate with the bureaucrats and politicians. Not become martyrs, but resist to the extent that we can resist. Even if it’s, well, more than a tad inconvenient. Certainly we should not submit to new chains and crutches eagerly.

A reader at the Hot Air blog reports that when he asked his doctor about “about how our electronic records would be used and protected” under the Obamacare regime, the doctor replied: “We’re not keeping electronic records. We refuse to comply with Obamacare. We’re not switching over.”

Good for you, Doc. We need more like you.

I certainly don’t want my medical records in the hands of government … to name just one of the things having to do with me, my rights and my life that I don’t want government anywhere near.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

3 replies on “Resistance Is Not Futile”

Granted my friends and associates are more liberty minded then most. None-​the-​less I have yet to meet, or speak with anyone who plans to “sign up”. 


I have yet to ‘sign-​up’ and I have no health insurance, owing to my employment status. The one thing I plan to do is increase my dependent claims to reduce withheld taxes and any potential refund. It’s my understanding that all the IRS can do is withhold my refund. Make sure there’s less for them to latch onto.

I would have expected more comments on this article since it strikes at the core of the problem, not only with Obamacare, but with big government as we currently know it. We are giving away our liberty piece by piece. And it scares the life out of me. & to Pat’s point, I too know no one that has signed up for the program, save 1. Most people I know say it will be cheaper to pay the penalty then to pay for the program.

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