free trade & free markets international affairs property rights

Idaho Foils Foul Harvest

One can be for free trade yet still demand, while sticking to principle, certain restrictions on international trade.

The State of Idaho has demonstrated one sort of restriction compatible with a free society’s free-​trade rules. “As of July 1, it will be illegal in Idaho for health insurers to cover an organ transplant or post-​transplant care performed in China or any country known to have participated in forced organ harvesting,” explains Frank Fang in The Epoch Times (No. 508, A5). The legislation had been passed unanimously in both legislative houses earlier in the month and was signed by the governor on April 10.

Idaho wasn’t the first state to do this, following Texas last year and Utah this year, with its law going into effect on May 1.

The problem to be addressed? The suspiciously short waiting time for organ transplants in China, especially after the Chinese government cracked down on the Falun Gong decades ago. 

“In 2019, the independent China Tribunal in London concluded that the CCP had been forcibly harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience for years ‘on a substantial scale,’ with Falun Gong practitioners being the ‘principal source’ of human organs,” according to Mr. Fang.

This is not protectionism. And it really isn’t any unwarranted regulation on trade. For even in the freest of societies, with 100 percent free trade and freedom of contract, the sale and purchase of stolen goods is unlawful.

Rightly prohibited.

If anything has been taken away unjustly, it’s the internal organs of political prisoners by the Chinazis.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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Pandemics — and Something Far Worse

Last week, I ventured into Washington for an important event, hoping not to get sick from the coronavirus swirling around the globe. 

Nearly 200,000 people in 142 countries have been infected with COVID-​19 and 7,866 have already died.

“Both SARS and COVID-​19 … appear to have emerged from animals in China’s notorious wildlife markets,” explainsVox video. “Experts had long predicted that these markets, known to be potential sources of disease, would enable another outbreak.”

In fact, I did become ill in our nation’s capital — sick to my stomach. 

Not from the virus, but from a new report by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation “address[ing] the failure of institutions and governments to come to terms with 14-​year-​old allegations of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China.”

With the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) waging genocides against Falun Gong practitioners and now Uighurs, they are abundantly rich in such lucrative national resources.

Susie Hughes, initiator of the China Tribunal, announced its unanimous conclusion that “forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale.”

And continues to this day. 

“The source of the organs for transplant are a living population,” Rep. Chris Smith (R‑NJ) emphasized, “kept alive like some form of livestock until their organs are needed.”

Recently, in “All the Tyranny in China,” I tried to detail the myriad ‘crimes against humanity’ committed by the Chinese Communist Party. Sadly, I just couldn’t get to them all.

I forgot to mention that the CCP will also gladly sell you the fresh organ of some currently incarcerated prisoner of conscience. At a bargain price.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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China, organ transplants, capital punishment, communism,

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