general freedom ideological culture

Protect Us, Big Brother

Have Sixties-​era flower children, those free spirits who once believed in peace and “doing your own thing,” been so conquered by fear that they now embrace a zero-​tolerance, Big Brother-​ish national security state?

Sixties generation folks largely run the show these days.

Is it blinding fear of terrorism that convinced them to allow unconstitutional violations of civil liberties? Or to permit the peace-​prize-​winning president to launch assassination drone strikes from prepared “kill lists,” with admittedly no legal framework to check this new life-​and-​death power?

Now, after the Newtown school shooting, we again see fear driving the agenda, threatening further erosion of liberty and giving new powers to government.

As the White House announces its agenda to tackle so-​called “gun violence,” expect President Obama to follow a 13-​point legislative and executive action program* just released by a key progressive think tank, The Center for American Progress (CAP). CAP calls for super-​sizing the National Instant Criminal Background Check database, by tying federal funds to states turning over more information on those deemed “mentally ill,” and by pushing all federal agencies to share data on known drug use, etc.

Yes, the new progressive solution to mass shootings is a federal database containing information on every American who has ever seen a shrink or is believed to have smoked weed.

Congress is also urged to pass legislation denying those “suspected” of terrorism their Second Amendment rights. No need for trials anymore.

Still feeling groovy?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.


* Not to be confused with the 13-​Point Program to Destroy America, an album by the punkish band Nation of Ulysses, album cover pictured above.