
Joseph Hiam Levy

Our lives are getting to be more and more regulated from without, with the effect that we are becoming drained of our individuality and drilled into mere machines. The passive attitude of mind induced by this regime will, if that regime grow in intensity, be fatal to all manliness of thought and manliness of conduct. Discrimination, as any competent psychologist will tell you, is the most fundamental of our mental faculties. Our intellectual and moral natures come into play only when we discriminate and decide for ourselves.

Joseph Hiam Levy, The Outcome of Individualism (Third Edition, 1892), Conclusion.

Joseph Hiam Levy

Socialism is essentially inimical to family life, which it regards as a bourgeois institution — to use its own favorite anathema. Socialism would make motherhood a State business or profession, would pay women for this sexual function, and deprive fathers of all status or recognition. It would no longer be necessary for a woman to know who was the father of her child. Her children — up to a certain number — would be supported by the state, which would be supreme over their education.

Joseph Hiam Levy, The Outcome of Individualism (Third Edition, 1892), Chapter XII, “Economics and Ethics of Individualism.”

Joseph Hiam Levy

Socialism is essentially inimical to family life, which it regards as a bourgeois institution — to use its own favorite anathema. Socialism would make motherhood a State business or profession, would pay women for this sexual function, and deprive fathers of all status or recognition.