Common Sense

A Light in Darkness

First the bad news: The 1998 elections were notoriously uncompetitive. Most Americans had no opportunity to cast a meaningful congressional vote. The reelection rate was 98.5 percent. No one who had served in office for more than two terms was defeated, and a fifth of congressional incumbents had no opposition at all.

The 2000 congressional elections could be even worse. There are only 30 open House seats. These are races where lots of candidates can vie for the seat because the incumbent steps down. In an open election, no candidate has the automatic advantages of an incumbent.

Here’s the good news: Term limits. Though politicians in Congress have voted down term limits repeatedly, the issue hasn’t gone away. Incredibly, 16 of the 30 open house seats this year are the result of term limits. More than half of open seats from a reform that the career politicians brag about killing. Five committee chairmen are retiring this year because, under the Republicans’ most significant reform, their terms as chairmen are limited to six years. Eleven congressmen are honoring their pledges to step down under self-​imposed term limits. Many of the candidates campaigning to take their place are likewise pledging to be citizen legislators, not career politicians.

Career incumbents who stay and stay and stay in Washington, DC, have monopolized our political process. Thank goodness term limits brings in new people and new ideas.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Role Model?

People say that we need a president who can be a role model. It would be nice to have a president who is a good, honorable person. But a role model?

Role models are important. We all learn better by example than by countless lectures. Do-​as-​I-​say never works as well as do-as-I-do.

But let me go out on a limb and suggest that neither the president nor the entire federal government bureaucracy is competent to inspire and rear our children. Kids need role models that are real, live, up-​close not just “as seen on TV.”

Same goes for sports stars. Sure, ballplayers can be heroes for kids, but that’s a whole lot different than a role model. I was pleased when basketball star Charles Barkley made the same point to reporters he’s a basketball player, not a role model. His job is to play a game.

Growing up, my role model was my Father, certainly not President Nixon. If we really believe that politicians or athletes can carry out the functions of fathers or mothers, we’re stuck in a pretty dangerous delusion. Our goal must be to provide real role models to our children — people like us. We have to do the hard work of showing our kids what good, honorable people are like by being good, honorable people ourselves. Not pointing them to Washington, D.C. for heaven’s sake.

Luckily, a recent survey of young people restores some semblance of sanity to this discussion. Who do most young people see as their role models? Their mothers and fathers.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Like a Business

Politicians sometimes say government should be run like a business. But for one simple reason it never will be: it’s not a business.

Government agencies don’t need to satisfy customers or make a profit to stay in existence. But government can still use some of the methods of accountability practiced by private enterprise. And Congress deserves a pat on the back for doing something in this vein. In 1990 Congress required each executive agency and department to be audited and account for the money they’ve spent.

Now the results are in and the picture isn’t pretty. Out of the top 24 federal agencies, only half of them had sound financial statements. The White House spin machine boasted that there was some progress by several agencies, but Senator Fred Thompson of Tennessee, self-​limited to two terms in the U.S. Senate, wasn’t in such a celebratory mood. He’s not happy that half the agencies can’t tell the American people what they did with our money. The Departments of Education, Justice, Treasury, Agriculture, Defense, Housing and Urban Development, the EPA, Agency for International Development and the Office of Personnel Management have some explaining to do.

Congress was right to require real-​world accounting practices. Now Congress needs to follow through by requiring real-​world accountability. Agencies shouldn’t get more money unless they can tell us what happened to the last several billion dollars they spent. T

his is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Democracy Gored

Stop the presses. We’ve got a scoop.

Or rather, don’t stop the presses. What would be the point? It will be illegal for us to know about this scoop until after the November election. You know the old saying: “All the news that’s fit to print except anything that might embarrass an entrenched incumbent.” Or something like that.

Let me explain. During the ’96 Clinton-​Gore campaign, Vice President Al Gore participated in an illegal fundraiser at a Buddhist temple. Question is: did Vice President Al Gore, also known as Mr. Navet Incarnate, even know he was at a fundraiser? He claims he didn’t know, that he had just swung by the temple to press the flesh and lock up the Buddhist-​monk vote.

Well, turns out there’s a videotape of Al Gore’s flesh-​pressing. But a certain Judge Paul Friedman has sealed the tape from public view until after the fall election. And guess what? It’s the only piece of evidence in the case against the host of the fundraiser that isn’t being made public. And guess what else? Janet Reno’s Justice Department carefully steered the case to Friedman, a Clinton appointee, flouting rules that say cases like this should be randomly assigned to avoid political favoritism.

Seems kind of suspicious, don’t it? Well, thank God for a judge and a Justice Department that understand how a free republic should actually work. I guess we don’t want voters to see all the evidence, do we? After all, then voters might make a fully informed decision.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Tip of the Iceberg

My favorite restaurants are those greasy-​spoon diners, the kind that U.S. Senate candidate Hillary Clinton recently visited. But she forgot to leave a tip for the waitress, a single mom. Now, there’s no need to make a federal case over someone innocently forgetting to leave a tip. At any rate, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. Hillary seems to live in a whole ‘nother world.

For instance, she was shocked by the high property taxes in New York after she bought a home. For the last 18 years she hasn’t had to pay property taxes or rent or a mortgage or even an electric bill, because the taxpayers picked up those costs.

Consider two other issues: education and Social Security. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton and many members of Congress claim to be advocates of public schools. They argue against providing any funds for poor students to go to private schools. But they send their own kids to private schools, not public schools.

Take Social Security. Can career politicians really represent the millions of Americans who pay the high payroll taxes and depend on Social Security in their old age? Remember: congressmen don’t need Social Security for a second; they have a lavish pension that makes them millionaires when they retire. Can career politicians “feel our pain” if they don’t have to foot the bill?

Government of the people, by the people, and for the people means they should spend a little time in the real world. It’s just a tip.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Proof Positive

People can make a difference. The proof? Term limits are now the law for 18 state legislatures — nearly 40 percent of the country.

These laws were the work of thousands of activists retired senior citizens who petitioned in store parking lots in bitter cold and sweltering heat; young people who took time away from their families; small businessmen who took time away from their firms.

And they won. They changed politics-​as-​usual. Their goal wasn’t to throw the bums out so much as to let new people and new ideas back in.

But, many politicians are taking it personally. They think politics is all about them. That’s why they ignore the people’s vote. Again and again they sneak around looking for some way to overturn the clear will of the people.

Again and again good citizens, whose whole lives aren’t politics, are forced to take time away from their jobs and loved ones to battle the politicians. Benjamin Franklin pointed out that, “In free governments, the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns. For the former, therefore, to return to the latter is not to degrade them but to promote them.”

Some of our elected officials, whether they agree with term limits or not, have been willing to abide by the will of the people. They deserve our thanks. But those politicians who sow the seeds of cynicism by their un-​American maneuvering only make the case for term limits stronger.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.