A short discussion on campaign finance reform and the First Amendment, addressing the usual arguments against the Citizens United decision, but making a few points rarely heard together:
Category: video
Video: A Republican Constitution
Legal scholar Randy Barnett, as interviewed by Reason’s Nick Gillespie:
Video: Repeat the Failures of Somalia?
Not all talks need visual aids or a declamatory style. Here a scholar calmly looks at Somalia and sees repeated failure and cluelessness … on the part of our government, especially.
And now our foreign policy geniuses want to export from Somalia the very same policies that worked so poorly there!
CAUTION: The speaker here appeals to the facts and to reason. There is none of that excitement of the denunciatory spirit, so common on YouTube. No cheap thrills. This is for reasonable people.
Video: Against Socialism
A spirited British debate, starring Daniel Hannan, MEP:
Johan Norberg gives the concise case against the old hat leftist love for “Swedish Socialism”:
Look around YouTube and you will find more from Norberg about the reality behind the myths of Scandinavia.
Video: The Super Delegates
The truth about the Democratic Party’s selection method, according to Reason tv:
Note: Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass has credited one Paul Jacob for being among the first to raise the issue of superdelegates — via a Townhall column (and Common Sense):
More than a month ago, libertarian Paul Jacob, writing on TownHall.com, examined how Democratic powerbrokers had rigged the game with superdelegates. It’s too bad that those young millennials feeling the Bern don’t read TownHall.com.