by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Against “Leftards” — and FOR Freedom of Speech

Free speech continues to recur as a major theme on this site. And no wonder: it’s under attack. But there is indeed more to it than that:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Cleaning It Up, Tyrant-Style

The grey eminence looming over San Francisco is Xi Jinping?

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Living Under the Chinese Curse

It is not all bleak. As Paul insists in this episode of This Week in Common Sense:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: After We Chuckle?

A tripartite conversation, starting by a focus on Jon Stewart, continuing with the normal podcast, and ending with a discussion of Israel and Palestine:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Insane in the Hillary Brain

Paul covers the big stories of the week, not excluding Hillary’s sad, sad memeplex-​infested mind.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: A Few Pointers!

“It’s just beyond belief”:

The vlog version of This Week in Common Sense for October 2 – 6, 2023.