by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Khursid Be His Name?

A principal in New York was fired for (how shall we say?) a cavalier attitude towards actual teaching and learning. The point, as he saw it, was merely to pass students through — a scam to get tax money into his budget. He was fired, but given a golden parachute.

Cursèd be his name! (“Khursid” [xʊɾˈʃid] being the excuse for a pun.)

Paul Jacob covers this and other stories from the past week:

by Paul Jacob Common Sense video

Watch: The Front Page (boosted from Page 2)

Why cannot the media print the most important stories?

This Week in Common Sense, April 11 — 15, 2022.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Democracy without Doxxing

Paul Jacob argues for allowing anonymous political speech and activism — in the course of covering the big stories of last week.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Seeing Through the Political Realm

Paul Jacob gets new glasses and our weird and wacky world becomes a little bit clearer. Coincidence? Well, it’s Paul’s weekend podcast covering the big stories of the week, as seen through a lens, the lens being the ideas articulated on this here website:

This Week in Common Sense, April 4 – 8, 2022: Also on SoundCloud.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Absurdity, Reality & Theory

Paul Jacob runs through the absurdities of our time, and gets hit with a theory attempting to answer why, O why:

This Week in Common Sense, March 28 — April 1, 2022.

Also on YouTube and on SoundCloud.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Of Minds Afire

Sam Adams didn’t say it. The Gray Lady admitted it. Texas didn’t do it. China did something. The Deep State is all over it.

What is “it”?


Here are the contexts:

This Week in Common Sense, March 21 – 25, 2022. Also available as audio via podcatcher, or hosted on SoundCloud.