
Video: Gas Prices

Earlier this week I touched on gasoline prices. One factor I didn’t mention (but which is getting a lot of coverage, now) is the weakening dollar. This humorous video points the finger at “The Bernanke”:

I am not certain about the argument here, though. So I look around for alternatives views. It turns out that David Henderson made the almost same argument as I did: saber rattling is a major factor in the world price of oil, and earlier on EconLog he argued against the inflationary explanation of today’s rising gas prices. (But Henderson assumes that inflation is an equilibrium price phenomenon. As I understand it, the Misesian view of inflation is that the price-​upward pressure of inflationary monetary policy proceeds with a lag, and initial price rises tend to be sectoral, so we might expect some markets to be affected by new money first. Like housing was in the last bubble, like stocks are in most bubbles, like … gas?)

I am sure of one thing: There is going to be a lot more talk on this subject. I hope some of it is as amusing as the above cartoon.

initiative, referendum, and recall video

Video: The Straightest Line Between Here and Freedom

One of the things I do is promote the initiative and referendum process. Have you noticed? Well, that means traveling around the country and speaking before groups of people interested in making the world a freer, better place. Recently I spoke at “Liberty On the Rocks” in Denver:

Ari Armstrong asked some great questions — questions I think that would come to most thoughtful people’s minds, when contemplating direct action via the ballot.


Video: Nuclear Detonation Timeline

This is mesmerizing, and perhaps more than a bit unsettling:


ideological culture national politics & policies video

Video: Nick Gillespie Interviewed by Jon Caldara

There’s a lot of interesting talk here at “The Devil’s Advocate”:

ideological culture video

Video: The Importance of Institutions

You can’t free up society all on your lonesome:


Video: The Broken Window Fallacy