“I love Rand, he’s awesome”; “We are the future of the Republican Party”; “The youth are … tired of the same-old/same-old”:
Category: video
Video: Racial Fallacies
Yesterday’s Common Sense was about racism. Tomorrow’s Townhall column will expand on the subject. What better, then, to insert between these two days a provocative interview with a careful thinker on the matter, Thomas Sowell:
If you agree to a “free speech wall,” you can’t complain about the speech that offends you, can you? Well, if you run a college, I guess you can:
Note that it wasn’t the use of the vulgar “f‑bomb” that upset the professors. It was the use of one against the current U.S. president.
Video: Who is Watching the Watchers?
The media is supposed to be our watchdog keeping the politicians honest. Are they? Stop laughing (or crying) and watch this video.
Thanks to Accuracy in Media for sponsoring this terrific talk.
Video: Washington Monument
This is great:
While the president seems not to regard Egypt as an ally, the State Dept. has slightly different notions: