by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The Worst Group of People I’ve Ever Met!

We often talk about politicians on This Week in Common Sense. And Paul explains how they are, on the whole, quite a bad lot. But there is a lot more. We start out talking whiskey, though.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Politicians Against Term Limits, Voter ID, and Us!

In this weekend’s podcast, Paul Jacob starts off talking about what he has been working on in Michigan. Michigan voters have some No votes to place at the polls! So do Arkansans.

And the lessons from these two states are universal, or nearly so:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The Biden (What IS It? What Are Its Goals?)

Not Joe Biden — he’s obviously off his rocker. And not “the Biden Administration” exactly. The title refers to whoever is running the show.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Separate X from State!

This Week in Common Sense starts with the philosophy of science and ends with the messy politics of the moment.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: What Lao Tzu Said!

But it’s really Paul Jacob talking. And not just (or even mainly) about Taoist philosophy. Indeed, what the old sage said was just … Common Sense:

We live in interesting times. But that’s not what Lao Tzu said. For that and more, listen to Paul Jacob, who covers the big stories of the week as they have appeared on Common Sense with Paul Jacob, his daily commentary program. The stories?

This Week in Common Sense is Paul’s weekend podcast, available via your pod catcher as hosted on SoundCloud, and in video format as hosted on Rumble.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Not the Person to Ask?

Every weekend, Paul recaps the big stories of the week. As they’ve appeared here on Common Sense with Paul Jacob. But other stories get covered, too. In this case, the death of Queen Elizabeth II, about whom Paul once wrote his most-​hated commentary!

The controversial column in question can be found at Townhall​.com.