by Paul Jacob video

The War Lottery

Paul Jacob reviews the biggest story of the week — no, not impeachment — THE DRAFT! 

This Week in Common Sense for the last (partial) week of October 2019.
by Paul Jacob video

‘Medicare for All’ Flaws

‘Medicare for All’ is not going to fly as advertised. It’ll sink if implemented.
by Paul Jacob video

The Redistricting Solution

Paul’s discussion of Hillary Clinton’s ‘Russian Asset’ charge against Tulsi Gabbard expanded to include one of the most important fixes for our broken democracy:

There is a simple fix that could work wonders, but almost no one talks about it.
by Paul Jacob video

A Hot, Ugly Mess

This Week in Common Sense for October 14 – 18, 2019.
by Paul Jacob video

Oppression and Beer

How can we help the oppressed around the world?

This Week in Common Sense — for last week.

by Paul Jacob video

What Can We Do to Help Hongkongers?

Paul walks into a Starbucks in Virginia and comes out with hope.

And a latte.