
Townhall: Socialism by the Dose

Today at Townhall​.com, an analysis of Jon Stewart’s defense of his “socialism.”

Links that may interest you, where all “big questions” get addressed. Well, a few big questions, anyway:

links term limits

Townhall: California’s Cross-​dressing Ballot Initiative

California politicians are at it again, as you can see on Townhall this weekend. And come back for the links:

free trade & free markets links

Townhall: The Next Thing in Money

More about Ziggy?

This weekend’s Townhall column takes off on a subject broached here at This Is Common Sense last week. But there’s a lot more to it, so check it out. And come back here if you want a complete, easy-​to-​access full list of the column’s links:

For further reading, please consider:


Townhall: The elephant, crazy like a fox?

Over at Townhall​.com you can find an exploration of a familiar theme:

Media bias? It is not always hidden. The media bias against balancing budgets and paying off public debt is pretty out-​in-​the-​open, these days.

The elephant, crazy like a fox?

Paul Jacob • May 13, 2012

Republicans are under attack from the highest towers of official Washington — the gnashing of chattering-​class teeth now even more pronounced following Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock’s decisive victory over 36-​year incumbent Republican U.S. Senator Dick Lugar.

Two weeks ago, even before Mourdock’s triumph, the Washington Post published a column, entitled, “Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.” Authors Thomas Mann of the Brookings Institution and Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute are the resident scholars (read: apologists) of our nation’s capital or, as Post columnist Ezra Klein described them, “the two most respected, committed scholars — and defenders — of the U.S. Congress.”

That serves as both hoity-​toity street cred for the national political class and, considering congressional approval ratings, an ugly black-​eye before the American people.

“We have been studying Washington politics and Congress for more than 40 years,” wrote Mann and Ornstein, “and never have we seen them this dysfunctional,” adding, in phony non-​partisanship, “Today, however, we have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party.”

“Our advice to the press,” the pair generously offered, “Don’t seek professional safety through the even-​handed, unfiltered presentation of opposing views.” Put in layman’s terms: “When you do your reporting, slap a finger or five on the scale. Tell people to vote for the Democrat.”

What else can be done? Apparently, Republicans cause gridlock. Especially conservative Republicans…

to continue, read the full column.

You can read last week’s column, here.


Townhall: Bad to Worst

Variation on a by now well-​worn theme: “Bad to Worst” on Townhall​.com. Please visit, then come back here to comment, and look for more links:

Note: These links are thematically related to this weekend’s Townhall column, not (like usual) source material upon which the column was based. The source material can easily be found by scrolling back through last week’s Common Sense.

Oh, and not covered in the Townhall column was Gary Johnson’s winning the Libertarian Party presidential nomination. Reason? The column was written in advance of Johnson’s Saturday win.


Townhall: No Fight Club

Guess: What is the first rule of No Fight Club? For the answer, go to Townhall​.com. Then come back here to check the source material: