audio podcast

Listen: Facts Matter

Every weekend Paul reviews the big stories of the week. Please subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice, including Apple, Google, Pocket Cast and Stitcher. The podcast is hosted on SoundCloud:

This Week in Common Sense, August 3 — 7, 2020.

audio podcast

Listen: Every Shroud Has a Silver Lining

That was the working title for this weekend’s podcast. But it is not the one we went with. Here is the actual title:

This Week in Common Sense, July 31, 2020.
audio podcast

Listen: Mobocracy v. Democracy?

Paul returns to the scene of the crime: Portland, Oregon, and Washington, DC, and every major news outlet in America:

audio podcast

Listen: Try Harder?

Paul re-​caps the big stories of the week as they appear here, on Common Sense with Paul Jacob:

This Week in Common Sense, July 18, 2020.
audio podcast

Listen: That’ll Be the Day

Paul has a lot to say, from one very bad day coming to another that probably will not:

This Week in Common Sense, July 10, 2020.
audio podcast

Listen: The Freedom Warranty

This weekend’s podcast is set around the big day this weekend, Independence Day. Paul Jacob has a lot to say. And he says it here:

This Week in Common Sense, June 29 — July 3, 2020.