
Pill approved, secret bombing of Cambodia disclosed, Nixon impeachment begins


On May 9, 1960, the FDA approved the world’s first commercially produced birth-​control bill, Enovid-​10, made by the Searle Company of Chicago, Illinois.

On May 9, 1969, New York Times military correspondent William Beecher wrote a dispatch carried on the paper’s front page, “Raids in Cambodia by U.S. Unprotested,” which accurately described the secret B‑52 bombing raids in Cambodia. During the next two years, many National Security Council staff members and reporters had their telephones wiretapped by the FBI in an effort to find out who leaked the information.

On May 9, 1974, the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee opened impeachment hearings against President Richard Nixon. Months later, the committee voted to impeach Nixon on three counts.

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