

On July 12, 1817, American poet, abolitionist, businessman, and Transcendentalist philosopher Henry David Thoreau was born. He is perhaps best known, today, for his book of meditations on the simple life, Walden, and his influential essay on civil disobedience.

2 replies on “Thoreau”

I clicked on the link: “On July 12, 1817, American poet, abolitionist, businessman, and Transcendentalist philosopher Henry David Thoreau was born. He is perhaps best known, today, for his book of meditations on the simple life, Walden, and his influential … (read more)”

Then there were 4 more words: “…essay on civil disobedience.”

Really? I had to click on a link to read 4 more words? Who came up with that idea? Was it to monetize via advertising? I mean, at least give me more to read if so.

I’m not sure where you found the link that brought you to such disappointment. But chances are that the folk managing this ‘blog didn’t have control of the way that that source presented a preview. 

(I’m repeatedly frustrated by how Facebook generates previews of my own ‘blog entries.)

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