Common Sense

When Voting Means “Nothing”


Last week, nearly a million Missourians tramped off to the polls to choose candidates in the primary as well as decide ballot issues. One issue, Proposition C, the Healthcare Freedom Act, made history, if not the news.

Missouri became the first state to vote on a specific repudiation of a key element of the healthcare legislation, namely the federal government’s mandate forcing individuals to purchase medical insurance. Prop C passed with a whopping 71 percent of the vote. It wasn’t close — even though opponents of the measure, Missouri’s Hospital Association, outspent supporters by better than three to one.

At The Missouri Record blog, Patrick Tuohey argues that “the vote in Missouri will have powerful repercussions.” Obviously, when Missourians voted they wanted their votes to count, to matter, to mean something. But according to White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, the Missouri vote meant “nothing.”

Funny, you probably didn’t hear about Gibbs’s dismissive comments. You might not have even heard about the Missouri healthcare vote. For some reason, the three dinosaur television networks, ABC, CBS and NBC, didn’t even mention the vote on the following evening’s broadcast.

The Missouri vote suggests the Democrats’ healthcare legislation is none too popular.  But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered, “It’s very obvious that people have a lack of understanding of our health care reform bill.”

While the people are speaking up loudly and clearly, the response of government officials in Washington is to cover up their ears.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

9 replies on “When Voting Means “Nothing””

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered, “It’s very obvious that people have a lack of understanding of our health care reform bill.”

No Mr. Reid, the people have a perfectly good understanding of your health care reform bill!

I worked a polling place all day that Tuesday and many people told me they came JUST to vote against Obamacare. I think they’ll be back in November, though.

Does that mean the hospital have to give free care to the dead beats who won’t buy insurance, or can the hospitals turn them away? Everyone wants a free ride.

When Harry Ried said they will like it better when they understand it he has missed the point THEY already do undestand what OBAMACARE means

Corporate Law (Current Government) is not the same as Constitutional Law (Constitutional Government).
The Corporate UNITED STATES was formed after the civil war. The former United States was swept under the rug along with the constitution and replaced with corporate law.
Lawyers make words mean whatever they want them to mean. This is why Clinton would always ask for a definition of words when he was being questioned. Unless you have the list of definitions for evey bill that they pass, you will never really understand what that bill means. Harry Reid is right in saying that we do not have a lack of understanding of their health care reform. Until we abolish corporate government and restore constitutional government, words will mean whatever they want them to.
Nicolas Lomas

What is causing the Media to agree with the Administrations of State,
Federal and City governments. Are they controlled by the governments to the point that they must do this? If so we are controlled almost entirely by the governments since people vote for what they hear. That is sad if that is true.
What do you think we should do about that, that we can do?

Corporate Law (Current Government) is not the same as Constitutional Law (Constitutional Government).
The Corporate UNITED STATES was formed after the civil war. The former United States was swept under the rug along with the constitution and replaced with corporate law.
Lawyers make words mean whatever they want them to mean. This is why Clinton would always ask for a definition of words when he was being questioned. Unless you have the list of definitions for evey bill that they pass, you will never really understand what that bill means. Harry Reid is right in saying that we do not have a basic understanding of their health care reform. Until we abolish corporate government and restore constitutional government, words will mean whatever they want them to.
Nicolas Lomas

Carl & Linda
As long as cities, counties, states remain incorporated, they will have to play by current corporate government rules.
As for a solution — “The solution is a Revolution! Not to overthrow our government, but to overthrow the individuals that have corrupted our government”.
Help out with the “Constitution Education Project”. Go to NCCS​.NET and order pocket constitutions and pass them out. Ask those that you are passing them out to, to do the same. Hopefully this will multiply exponentialy. Unless we know what the problem is with government, we will never know how to fix it. The Constitution is the “How to troubleshoot and fix a broken government” manual. This is something we were suppose to be taught in high school.
Nicolas Lomas


I would guess that there are plenty of contradictions.

Repeal the bill and throw out all of Congress.

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