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Q & A & Q & A


Trevor Noah, interviewing presidential candidate Joe Biden a while back, had a juicy question near the end of his “Daily Social Distancing Show” with the Democrat pol. “Have you ever considered what would happen if the election result came out as you being the winner and Trump refused to leave?”

“Yes I have,” Biden confidently stated.

Then there is an obvious cut, and the video switches from side-​by-​side video-​chat panels to the comedian in a Picture-​in-​Picture box with a full-​screen Biden saying all the sudden:

And I was so damned proud. Here you have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. You have so many rank-​and-​file military personnel saying ‘whoa, we’re not a military state, this is not who we are.’ I promise you — I am absolutely convinced — that they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.

This is hacky. Not stand-​up comedian hacky — political hacky. 

Its function is transparent, being primarily a self-​programing technique, which — in recent times — partisans use to convince themselves that their enemies, in this case the Evil Republicans, will stoop to anything

Allowing them to stoop to anything.

The crowning case of this idiocy came in 2016, when Democrats worked themselves into a frenzy over Trump’s flip answer to the debate question whether he would ‘absolutely accept the results of this election.’ 

Hillary Clinton grinned triumphantly when Trump gave his non-​canned, iffily defiant response. Very Trumpian. 

But after Election Day, Clinton’s followers spent months and then years not accepting the results of the election. 

Clinton’s lingering Cheshire Cat smile rebukes her party.

And persistent questions like Trevor Noah’s.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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1 reply on “Q & A & Q & A”

Alinski’s Rules for Radicals does say “to accuse your opponent of doing exactly what you are doing. This is boilerplate stuff that they use all the time. This is exactly what the Russia collusion conspiracy was all about…and still not resolved , after almost four years…

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