Common Sense



The audience for this show is wise and good. In a recent episode I noted that a new federal law mandated that teachers now must have a separate college degree for each subject they teach. An absurd requirement that if consistently followed would cause lots of problems around the country. Especially in rural areas.

I said that we don’t need the feds to tell us how to teach our kids. A listener who calls himself Nerdifool, but is neither nerdy nor a fool, wrote to echo my sentiments. Mr. Nerdifool reports that under the new law his wife, a retired grade school teacher, would “have to have a degree in English, Spanish, Math, Physical Education, and History, plus her Bachelors in Education …” about 26 years of book larnin’ before she could return to the classroom. Nerdifool says, “What we really need is to require all Congress Men and government bureaucrats to have a Bachelors Degree in Paper Pushing, a Masters Degree in Bullpucky, and a PHD in Bureaucratic Nonsense, plus a Certificate in Red Tape in addition to a Law degree, Masters in Law and a JD. That might slow the tide of crap coming out of Washington.…” Not a bad suggestion.

Then there was the listener who wrote in to advise me that there is no such thing as a degree in term limits. See, I had claimed to be pretty much an expert in term limits and political shenanigans even though I possess no advanced degrees in these subjects. Oh … I stand corrected.

This is Common Sense.  I’m Paul Jacob.

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