


September 11 marks several dates in the history of the clash between the West and the Islamic East:

• In 1526, the Ottoman army occupied Buda after the crushing Hungarian defeat in the Battle of Mohács.

• In 1565, Ottoman forces retreated from Malta, ending the Great Siege of Malta.

• In 1609, an expulsion order announced against the Moriscos of Valencia began the expulsion of all Spain’s Moors.

• In 2001, Muslim jihadists associated with Al Qaida hijacked two airliners flying out of Boston, Massachusetts, one out of Newark, N.J., and another out of Washington’s Dulles airport, commandeering two of those jets into the World Trade Center in New York and one into the Pentagon near the nation’s capital. The fourth crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania — making this flight, United 93, the only one of the terrorist attacks that day prevented from achieving its target, the agency of the prevention being the united efforts of civilians on the flight. 

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