Common Sense

My Kind of Crazy


His political consultants if he had any would say he’s crazy. But he’s my kind of crazy.

Gary Morsch is a candidate for Congress, a serious one. He’s running in a competitive three-​way Republican primary in Kansas’s 3rd district. But in the closing days of the primary, Morsch won’t be doing any campaigning at all.

No, instead he’ll be training with his National Guard Unit in Missouri. His Surgical Hospital Unit has been placed on alert for possible deployment in Kosovo later this year.

Dr. Morsch probably could have gotten out of the duty. There’s a process to request an exemption. But said Morsch, “That doesn’t fit my philosophy, which says I shouldn’t get special treatment because I’m running for office.”

Morsch is not the usual politician. In fact, he’s no politician at all. He’s a medical doctor who founded Heart to Heart, an international relief agency that has provided over $160 million dollars of medical supplies to those in need across the globe. His goal is to be a citizen legislator, not a career politician. That’s why he took the Term Limits Pledge limiting himself to 3 terms in Congress.

He does what’s right, not what’s politically expedient. Leaving the campaign trail at such a crucial juncture may mean that Morsch loses in his bid for Congress. But I can’t help thinking that by keeping his commitment to our country, Dr. Morsch has already won. And his victory is one we can all celebrate.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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