
H. L. Mencken


My own belief, more than once set afloat from this spot, is that it will take us, soon or late, into the stormy waters of Fascism. To be sure, that Fascism is not likely to be identical with the kinds on tap in Germany, Italy and Russia; indeed, it is very apt to come in under the name of anti-​Fascism. And its first Duce, whether the Hon. Mr. Roosevelt or another, will not call himself a dictator, but a scotcher of dictators.

H. L. Mencken, “Of The People, By The People,” The Baltimore Sun, November 6, 1938. Mencken was born on September 12, 1880, and died on January 29, 1956.

1 reply on “H. L. Mencken”

Mencken hit the nail on the head when he was talking how fascism would come to this country, but when he described how it would come under the cloak of it being “anti-​fascist” as in ANTIFA, well that really shows his genius.

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