
Growing Into Power, Position, Privilege


The congressman with two first names also has two faces. In today’s video, Congressman Markwayne Mullin and his wife, Christie, announce that he will break his promise to step down from Congress after three terms, which he repeatedly made to voters in order to win the seat in 2012.

The message of the video, a fake news interview produced by Congressman Mullin, seems to be that Markwayne’s pledge to serve only six years was because he might not like the gig. If he now feels like staying in the congressional job, then his past promise to leave doesn’t count. After all, he says he’s “grown.”

“The last thing we want is to make people think we’re going back on our word,” a reality-​resistant Mullin told the Tulsa World. “At the time, we were sincere. But where we’re at today is a different situation.”

See these past episodes of Common Sense:

3 replies on “Growing Into Power, Position, Privilege”

“The last thing we want is to make people think we’re going back on our word,” a reality-​resistant Mullin told the Tulsa World. “At the time, we were sincere. But where we’re at today is a different situation.”

Yea right. It’s difficult to tell here where one lie ends and other begins. He’s anything but sincere and his pathetic excuse doesn’t even begin to cut it. I would rather have someone in that I’m totally opposed to that at least had the decency to tell the truth than someone that I thought that I could depend on but when it was time to prove it goes back on his word.

It amazes me that the same politicians who oppose term limits also are fanatical about redistricting to prevent “gerry mandering”. Incumbency gives the current office holder a huge advantage. He or she can hold a press conference and it is basically free advertising. With term limits the perceived advantages of incumbency would evaporate. No need for caps on spending or court-​approval of district boundaries.

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