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How Does “Unfair” Play?


“We’re being treated very unfairly.”

I don’t know about you, but this constant complaint from Donald Trump is getting a bit old.

Even if true.

Maybe I lost some patience for this shtick because my side in the political arena — the 85 percent majority for term limits, for example — has constantly had to bear with undue weights from major candidates, public officials, and other political insiders. This week I’m in Arkansas to help put term limits back on the ballot, after politicians lied to the citizenry in a legislatively referred measure, successfully fooling them to substantially weaken the limits.

It turns out that honest people have always been at a disadvantage in politics, because our enemies often feel free to lie, cheat, steal, etc.

My impatience is that, well, coming from a billionaire, the complaint seems … hollow. To the extent that wealth and fame lead to an unfair advantage over others, Trump has indeed parlayed both into a shot at the White House.

So to talk about how being treated unfairly smacks of narcissism. It is like going to the funeral of a good friend and having to listen to some whiner take the limelight to complain of his lumbago.

It seems inappropriate, in context.

But mainly it reminds me of Bernie Sanders in particular, and the socialist left in general. “Life [or The System] has treated us unfairly — so give us free stuff!”

Trump is not asking for free stuff. He is merely expecting us to forgive his ugly tirades — as in the current mess about the judge sitting on his Trump University case — and nasty escalations of name-calling.

He expects a free pass. And has so far gotten one.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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Donald Trump, thin skinned, cry, 2016 Presidential, Hillary Clinton


10 replies on “How Does “Unfair” Play?”

Trump is being treated unfairly as he has accomplished a hostile take over of the GOP generally due to their ignoring their constituency. 
He has some legitimate complaint, but also many faults and errors. Regardless, it appears his supporters would strongly prefer Mr. Trump to more of the same as was being proposed by the GOP “leadership”. 
Trump and Sanders are the personalities forged by the revolution underway in both of the established political parties. 

85% are for term limits? Really? Then why do we have 98% RE-​ELECTION rates for congress? Oh, that’s right, it’s the OTHER guy’s representative that’s the bum and needs to be thrown out, not mine. My rep is the only good guy there. Really? Give me a break.

Trumpsters are going to be unpleasantly surprised when they get not only more of the same but an escalation of authoritarian behavior if he wins. Internally, within the country, I think he will do more damage than even Hillary would. Externally, internationally, a draw.The only logical, ethical choice is to not participate or else support the libertarians. Every LP vote will send a strong message of “we are wise to your lies and deceit.” As someone wise said, the R’s claim to support a voluntary market, bottom up economic policybut fall for protectionism and worse whenever they hold the power. R’s obviously do not really care about individual liberties. The D’s claim to care about Civil Liberties but obviously do not, and as far as a voluntary market have no concept of what that means. Why would one want to give people so far off any credibility at all?

I am a disappointed Cruz supporter. but Donald Trump is on the right side of this. For all of his La Zaza connections and past causes, this judge should have recused himself at the beginning. How very disgusting to see respected writers throw the truth out the window to place the story in a PC  light,  favorable to the Progressive movement. 

I am loathe to think of either a Hillary or a Trump presidency. Barring a “knight in shining armor” appearing; I would support a businessman over a corrupt politico. So note to Mr. Trump: STOP WHINING & start acting presidential. As many have noted he is too thin skinned. He is used to winning because of his business acumen & wealth. 

While I do not approve of a public tirade against a judge; I do understands his reasoning. The judge’s partiality & participation in La Raza is a case for removal. Trump quietly should’ve had his attorneys file motions for the judge’s recusal. 

This is the most disgusting and circus-​like presidential race I have ever seen.

According to several sources the La Raza the judge belongs to is not the national organization. I cannot find an explanation of the local groups positions. However, obviously many judges would find Trump so repulsive they will have difficulty being impartial. Often wonder how judges stay impartial in all circumstances. Probably best tactic is get another judge but almost any judge is not going to be impressed by the set up at Trump U. Most likely Trump will be found guilty as he was running another sleeze operation. The man is a scam artist supreme. No businessman he.

I know. He is a member of the San Diego “society” of La Raza attorneys that specifically aid in immigration issues. I do see a bias against Mr. Trump. I am not forgiving or apologizing for his behavior in any way. I think he’s acted like a MORON on many, many occasions & I wish he’d just shut his mouth. But on this, I can understand his distaste for the judge & his desire for him to be recused. He handled it poorly to say the least.

Again, I dislike both presumptive candidates so much, I am thinking of moving to Belize.

The play starts out a short time after the lights go out and a group of survivors try to hold on to the way of life that has slipped away from them. Sharing memories these survivors remember an episode

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