
Mandela Released


On Feb. 11, 1990, after 27 years in prison, Nelson Mandela was released by South African authorities.

Mandela had joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944, becoming deputy national president of the group in 1952. Arrested for treason in 1961, he was acquitted — but then arrested again in 1962 for illegally leaving the country. Convicted and sentenced to five years at Robben Island Prison, he was put on trial again in 1964 on charges of sabotage. He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison along with several other ANC leaders.

In 1989, F.W. de Klerk became South African president and began dismantling apartheid. De Klerk lifted the ban on the ANC, suspended executions, and in February 1990 ordered the release of Nelson Mandela.

Mandela subsequently led the ANC in negotiating an end to apartheid and the establishment of a multiracial government. In 1993, Mandela and de Klerk were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. One year later, the ANC won the country’s first free elections, and Mandela was elected South Africa’s president.

2 replies on “Mandela Released”

Why do I always see the fact that Mandela and the ANC were avowed Marxists and were quite violent. Mandela was offered his freedom if he would foreswear violence but he refused. After he took office, the quality of life in South Africa diminished, especially for whites. White farmers were murdered and the blacks then ran the farms into the ground and SA went from being a net food exporter to a net food importer. The GDP continued to decline each year under the Marxist rule of Mandela as do the economies of all communist countries. Mandela was no MLK but quite the opposite.

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