First Amendment rights responsibility

Reset the Net?


I don’t know on which version the current Internet is said to be. Internet 4.0? Web 3.1? HTML something-​or-​other? (You may notice: I’m not a tech guy.)

But it’s changing. Streaming video and the fast development of cloud computing are revolutionizing the way we think about the “common space” beyond our computers.

Oh, and then there are all the “post-​PC” devices — smart phones and tablets and the like — metamorphosing with Ovidian avidity.

Nevertheless, there’s one big element that outshines them all: government surveillance. 

Shhh. This is just between me and you, but … this is not just between you and me. The NSA and other branches of our government insist on listening in.

In the past year, since Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks began hitting the news stream, we’ve learned more and more about how intrusive our government spies not only want to be, but can be; not only can be, but are.

So, to celebrate the first anniversary of the beginning of the Snowden Era, folks at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, in co-​operation with good netizens everywhere, have proclaimed today, June 5, “Reset the Net” Day.

A day of protest? More a day of preparation. What can you do to make your Internet presence a bit more secure?

Well, according to the EFF activists, and according to Snowden himself, there are many things you can do. Encryption is one of them.

My advice? Don’t ask me about it. Consult the experts. Let’s think more carefully about life under the eyes of our overlords.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

2 replies on “Reset the Net?”

It’s always been amazing to me that it’s not strictly illegal for somebody else to enter your computer, whether NSA, an advertiser planting cookies to stalk you everywhere you go throwing up ads based on where you go and what you do or anything else. Shouldn’t it be just like a property right where a stranger can’t walk into your front door without permission?

It’s another example of big lobby, telecom, advertisers, tech, etc controlling votes at the people’s expense.

The issue is no longer availability of data, as now the ability to store and retrieve it exists.

I suspect that for the while the issues will be the use of stored data after a party comes to “the authorities” attention.

Then, when the government, the hardware and software reach the development level they are seeking, it will be possible to go “live” with automatic filters to point out to them whom they “wish” to pay attention to.

All very nice but a pipedream.
In short order the fallacy of the dream a “super surveillance” can work will be dashed. The “bad guys” are already reacting (with burner phone’s and other counter measures). They will spend the resources to develop counters to every new advance in snooping. This will leave the entire system created basically looking at the generally ordinary and properly acting people — and without real utility — but at great cost to freedom and the taxpayer.

The truth remains, anyone who gives up freedom, principle or honor for security will soon find they have none of them.

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