national politics & policies political challengers

One Man Walkout


A famous poem ends “‘You lie,’ he cried, And ran on.” One of the better moments of modern televised State of the Union addresses was when a lowly member of Congress had the audacity to shout “You lie!” after a controversial immigration point.

Last night, Representative Steve Stockman (R‑Tex.) did not run or shout, but merely walked out of the room.

Months ago, Stockman had handed out a book to each member of the august two-​branched body he serves in, a book entitled Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office.

What’s his beef with the president?

Tonight I left early after hearing how the President is further abusing his Constitutional powers. I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly-​defined boundaries of the Constitutional separation of powers.

Even worse, Obama has openly vowed to break his oath of office and begin enacting his own brand of law through executive decree. This is a wholesale violation of his oath of office and a disqualifying offense.

Stockman is not alleging that all executive orders are dangerous or unlawful — just that some are indeed unconstitutionally usurping legislative powers.

The Prez certainly did imply that he was going to use them beyond their place in the Executive Branch, that is, instead of legislation from the Legislative Branch. Every Congressman should be concerned.

On the bright side, President Obama may be just blowing smoke. He’s just puttin’ on a show to appear more powerful.

On the dark side, a lot of people applauded. The idea of a leader with unilateral power, the culture of dictatorship, is never far enough away.…

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

11 replies on “One Man Walkout”

I reckon that by the marijuana-​modified meat-​locker-​IQ standards of a Stalinist street-​agitating Chicago “Democratic” potty gofer, Zero’s actually, according to the united States’ Constitution’s actual language, doing OK. 

After all, his knowledge of the Constitution is about on par with that of the average Luo and whether or not he’s a murtadd muslim or is — as he once informed during a Stefanoppolous “interview” — an active muslim, he either doesn’t appreciate that he and the office of president are quite different and/​or is practicing taqiyyah. 

And as for that part about “(he) will to the best of (his) ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States?” 

Go back to the first paragraph and remind yourself we musn’t expect much of those mororns muddling through with but marijuana-​modified meat-locker-IQ’s. 

Brian Richard Allen 

(And, Good On You, Representative Stockman!)

Hey Brian you dipshit IDIOT. You voted for George Bush who started two wars and wasted 5 trillion dollars. How does it feelk to be a Tea Bagging IDIOT? FY you MF IDIOT.

Hey, JATR,




Another MF REPUBLIKOOK. Yeah you Jayboy. Look in the mirror; you will see a MF IDIOT REPUBLIKOOK.

Your Bushy Wushy pissed away 5 trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives. You must be proud – like a dickhead should be.

Stockman did what should have been done, by the entire House, Senate, Supreme Court and Joint Chiefs.
Kudos to him, shame on those who remained.

I an no longer comment after I read the insensitive comments on this page. Dialog people, not hate speech. We have a very divided country; truly sad. What astonishes me is this level of hate, instead of respect for the options of other. But it’s easier to curse people out then to have a reasoned debate. I’m with you, Mark Pikens

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