Even the Washington Post has to admit it.
“You know the Democrats are the party that cares most about the poor,” says a Washington Post editorial, “because [the Democrats] tell you so, world without end, and bask in the glow.”
But it’s a “lie,” says the Post . And Exhibit A is the farm bill presently larding its way through Congress.
The House Agriculture Committee has $70 billion dollars to “play with” as the Post puts it. About 5 percent goes to food stamps and other programs for the poor. But most goes to subsidies for the largest ag-producers. Half of all these government subsidies go to a mere 5 percent of the large farming concerns.
The measure was so offensive that the Bush Administration felt it had to break with the House Republican leadership to oppose it. Republican Senator Richard Lugar tried to change the formula to send more to the poor and less to large agricultural companies.
BUT two farm-state Senators, Harkin of Iowa and Daschle of South Dakota both Democrats blocked Lugar and plunged for the pork instead. The Post says it’s because they want to maximize price supports.
Congressmen see themselves in a bidding war for the votes of farm states. From farm spending to defense spending, the highest priority of the career politicians be they Democrats or Republicans seems clear.
Dole out our tax dollars in whichever manner will best buy votes. Which means, when you think about it, that reelection campaigns cost not millions, but billions, every year: your taxes their bribe money.
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.