“This has been a test, and only a test.
“Of the Emergency Propaganda System.
“In case of a real emergency, we would have bombed you already.
“Or infected you with a new disease from one of our gain-of-function labs.
“Or (and this is a real stretch) found the missing plutonium that’s always whispered about.
“Instead, the mystery drones were a scheduled test run of a newly developed drone technology, which the FAA had this last month scheduled as a testing period for the product. The developer is an above-board military contractor in New Jersey. The test period was indicated in a bulletin. Somebody outside the military must’ve read it.
“Now, if we had the interests of the citizens in mind we would have made a big deal out of the FAA bulletin. Or at least referred to it after people began noticing the drones.
“But let’s get real. We did not do either of those things. Instead, we reacted as if we knew nothing. And, of course, most government functionaries knew nothing. But the Biden administration knew,* and the Federal Aviation Administration knew, and the CIA and the NSA and the military knew. We could have told everyone the whole truth.
“We didn’t because we needed to learn how people would react to a swarm of oversized drones dotting the skyscape. This was a test of how Americans would react in a possible (and admittedly eerie) emergency.
“And, boy, did citizens react entertainingly. Some people — easily confused by parallax effects — saw more drones than existed, misidentifying normal airliners for drones, for grand example.
“Some people opportunistically made fake video footage. Some of those fakers may or may not have been paid by tax dollars.
“And some people noticed non-drone UFOs, and reported them. We won’t talk about those, either, even when they appear over the Pentagon.
“Remember: Only a test.”
And this, here at ThisIsCommonSense.org, is Common Sense. And I’m Paul Jacob.
* Unless nobody bothered to tell the Lame Duck-in-Chief. See Wednesday’s witless assurance.
Illustration created with Flux and Firefly
See all recent commentary
(simplified and organized)
2 replies on “Only a Test?”
I live in NJ in a rural area. I have been tracking the drones over my property since they first appeared. I can tell you for a fact that these are not hobbyist drones or school kids pranking. Yes, they are large multi-engine drones much like the Feds of military uses. I can also tell you for a fact that they are flying coordinated search patterns. How do I know? For 20 years I volunteered my airplane and my time to fly search missions for Civil Air Patrol. I have over 2000 hrs. flying search patterns looking for downed aircraft. To the untrained eye these drones appear to be flying around randomly, but I can tell you with 110% confidence after spending hours observing them that they are flying search patterns. I also live 2 miles from a regional airport, and I know what an airplane looks like flying at night vs. a drone. Drones fly at night because there is less wind. These drones also appear to be following FAA regs in their flight ops, which is why they have their lights on. If they were up to no good, why fly with the lights on so that they can be easily observed? So, the question becomes: Who is coordinating the drone search and what are they searching or “sniffing” for? Aye, that’s the rub, eh? Bet you’d have said I was bat shit crazy if I told you on Sept 10, 2001, that Islamic terrorists were going to hijack airliners and fly them into the World Trade Center and the Capitol on Sept 11. I’m a realist, and the reality is that we live in a world gone mad, where crazy is the norm. Why isn’t the Biden government giving us more information? Yep. nothing to see here, move along now. No, silence is an even more powerful propaganda method than mis/disinformation. Silence prevents transparency, and transparency means accountability, which the Biden government has been avoiding ever since they seized power. “Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Government has zero credibility now. They won’t get it back anytime soon. I’ll trust my lying eyes before I believe anything. Once trust has been broken, it can’t be put back together.