education and schooling government transparency

The Secret Teachings of Our Age

Paul Jacob on our public servants’ hidden program.

The high school course was not “Logic and Semiotics in Western Culture” — or “Eastern.” It was not “Memes for Momes.” Or even “Cartoons from Cave Walls to Bathroom Stalls.”

It was “A History of Ethnic and Gender Studies.”

Do we dare ask what’s in it?

Doesn’t matter. Because we’re not allowed to see what’s in it.

“Michigan parents can’t request some school curricula under public record acts after the Michigan Supreme Court chose not to hear an appeal from a lower court,” explains the Michigan Capitol Confidential.

“On Sept. 25, the state’s top court denied an appeal filed by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy on behalf of a Rochester parent who requested the curriculum for a class held in the Rochester Public Schools district.” Using the “the state’s Freedom of Information Act, Carol Beth Litkouhi in 2022 sought course materials” for the class mentioned above. “Rochester Public Schools refused. The district argued that the law did not require it to provide records held by teachers.”

And so far — and barring a revision of state law — the public schools have won. 

Not a happy story, but even more than bad news for Michigan parents and (by extension) their children (the students in public schools), it demonstrates a mindset we’ve encountered before, and not confined to one school district or one state.

According to educators in public service, they have a right to teach your kids and not tell you what they are doing.

They are committed to doing this.

They are indoctrinators and not on your side.

They must be stopped. Politically. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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6 replies on “The Secret Teachings of Our Age”

“They must be stopped. Politically.”

Better to work toward separation of school and state, even if only at the personal/​family level by not handing your kids over to them in the first place. “Public” education is, fortunately, dying. And, unfortunately, doing plenty of damage in its death throes.

Separation of school and state is of course more desirable that lesser reforms, but effecting such separation would in no way be contrary the change for which Paul called; it would simply be a good way of stopping the behavior that Paul wants stopped.

As you frequently do, you grab some of the facts and string them together to support an agenda that has little, in anything, to do with freedom of speech. Even in your interpretation of the facts, there is some truth, although we must dig for it.
Quoting from your article, “Carol Beth Litkouhi in 022 sought course materials” for the class. “Course Materials” may well include personal information such as addresses, telephone numbers and grades. If data such as these were released, many of us would be unhappy.
It seems to me that she used a term that was too general, either by accident, which is unfortunate, or purposefully to generate controversy, which is political and equally unfortunate.
Our children’s education should be too important to abuse the system for political nefariousness!

Our government indoctrination centers are working overtime. This is just another reason to remove the dept of education from existence.

A couple of days ago, I believe on FOX, one of the guests was talking about the guy and said guv WITCHmer, quickly changed it to gu whitmer. Guess no one caught it as I have heard no mention on the news. How right they were

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