
Something Fishy

China’s long tradition of poaching in “distant waters.”

“The Chinese government has repeatedly denied any mismanagement in response to the accusations of illegal and unregulated fishing,” explains an article on DW News. Indeed, a “2023 government white paper on the development of distant-​water fisheries said China holds a ‘zero tolerance’ attitude towards illegal fishing.…”

But can we believe China? The China run by the Chinese Communist Party?

The article is titled “Chinese fishing fleets in Indian Ocean accused of abuses” and is written by Yuchen Li and Chia-​Chun Yeh, both from Taipei. The accusations are familiar — and not just for readers of this website, or of StoptheChinazis​.org. Accusations against Chinese poaching are decades old.

“As a leading fishing nation, China’s distant water fishing (DWF) industry is the world’s largest in both catch volume and fleet size. And according to the Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Index, China ranks as the worst offender among 152 countries worldwide,” explain Li and Yeh. They quote a senior researcher from the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), who says “This isn’t a handful of bad actors or captains. What we’re seeing is a fleet-​wide issue on the Chinese distant-​water fleet.”

One of the more gruesome practices is the harvesting of shark fins: the fins are cut off and the rest of the shark carcasses are disposed of immediately, back into the ocean. And this is not just the South China Sea or the Pacific Ocean. This includes the Indian Ocean, says a new report from the EJF.

The report charges that China’s poaching is “systematic.”


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