education and schooling general freedom ideological culture

Division, Exclusion, Indoctrination

Wisconsin has decided to stop using tax dollars to subsidize ideological assaults on academic freedom.

Under the leadership of Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, the Wisconsin legislature struck a blow against DEI domination of the state’s university system.

The acronym means “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Yet, the goal of DEI is to herd all participants in academic life into the same collectivist “antiracist,” anti-​individualist straitjacket, no dissent permitted. What DEI really means, Vos says, is “division, exclusion, and indoctrination.”

The Vos-​steered budget that passed in the last session eliminated $32 million from funding for the university system. It also hiked the pay of university employees and funded new campus buildings.

Using his line-​item veto, the Democratic governor tried to thwart the move. But he couldn’t block the spending cut.

Then, after much negotiating, the university system agreed to freeze hiring of DEI officials, transfer DEI employees to other jobs, and implement race-​blind, merit-​based admissions policies.

Bullied by lefties, the board of rejects initially rejected the deal by a 9 – 8 vote. Vos wouldn’t budge. The board met again and accepted the deal.

As National Review’s editors put it, “when push came to shove, it wasn’t worth rejecting pay raises for all employees and putting building projects on hold for the sake of a handful of progressive ideologues.”

Until the whole house of cards collapses and there’s no longer any public funding of higher education, all states assailed by DEI should do the same kind of thing.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Division, Exclusion, Indoctrination”

Just last night, I submitted an article to a respected journal of economics, and found myself required by the publisher to respond to a survey explicitly concerned with “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”. Happily, I was given an option of declining to give an answer to each question. Otherwise, I would have abandoned the submission. (My guess is that the share of economists who decline is rather large compared to other academics.)

Great, officially DEI is out In Wisconsin, now what will be done in reality?
As a wise man once said, trust but verify.

*****What DEI really means, Vos says, is “division, exclusion, and indoctrination.”*****
Very fitting definition. (I’m gonna steal it. LOL)

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