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Insane in the Meme Brain

Sane Republicans do exist, says Hillary Clinton. Even in the House of Representatives!

We know this because they voted to continue federal government operations by raising the debt limit. Or so Mrs. Clinton says. It’s just “common sense”!

Talking with Christiane Amanpour on CNN, last week, the former presidential candidate explained that these sane Republicans are “intimidated,” adding, “they oftentimes say and do things which they know better than to say or do.”

To get to common ground with these compromised GOP folks, however, the measures that intimidate them — while exciting their extremist, insane MAGA proponents — must be roundly defeated. 

No compromise.

In times past, our representatives in Congress could work together; but back then, argues the former First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State, “there wasn’t this little tail wagging the dog of the Republican Party.”

That is, conservative representatives would kindly admit defeat every time the green light was given to more and more spending. Now they won’t cooperate.

It’s extremism, in Hillary’s judgment, to oppose the ceaseless growth of the warfare-welfare state.

But, Hillary being Hillary, she had a corker to unleash. “Maybe at some point there needs to be a formal de-programming of the cult members.”

Just like Mrs. Clinton to generously offer re-education camps to her opponents.

Followed by an admonition: “we have to be smarter.”

How is it smart (or sane) to continually grow the federal debt, its mere service now larger than the defense budget?

By talking about formally deprogramming MAGA extremists Hillary Clinton skillfully deflects her supporters’ attention from the real need: informally deprogramming their own insane debt-piling status quo mindset.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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8 replies on “Insane in the Meme Brain”

No combination of overt taxation, monetary expansion, and further borrowing can bring the Federal debt back within sustainable proportion; the US will violate its Constitution and default on the Federal debt. We are in this terrible position because Federal spending has exceeded the funding capacity of the economic system.

A genuinely balanced budget would have caused spending to hit a wall at much lower levels, but the violence of the collision would have been far less awful.

Almost any application of the brakes now will produce frightful results, but not so frightful as those that will come if the brakes are not used.

Most of the current debt was racked up by the 45th president. A huge amount of it was racked up by former Republican presidents who cut taxes and increased spending. Meanwhile, Mrs Clinton’s husband balanced the budget and paid down the debt. So maybe the deprogramming is just a different information set and not a concentration camp. I would love to see you debate Mrs Clinton! I would sell tickets!

No, only by refusing to account for some expenditures — placing them off-budget — could the budget be said to have been said to be balanced during the Clinton Administration.

Moreover, the powers to tax and to spend — and hence to determine whether the budget is balanced — are constitutionally vested in Congress, not in the President; which is why Ms Clinton was spitting venom about that tiny minority of Congressional Republicans who insist on braking spending.

Bill Clinton balanced the budget only after the GOP took over in 1994.
There was a massive surplus in 2000 and, rather than consider paying down some of the debt, Democrats wanted even more spending, Barack Obama gave us our first trillion dollar deficit. Tax cuts have resulted in more revenue to the federal government but Washington cannot put the brakes on spending. LBJ fought the Vietnam War and enacted his Great Society programs at the same time, resulting in almost two decades of inflation. Richard Nixon proposed a budget with a surplus. He gave a national address when he vetoed a bill that allocated more money than he had requested. Congress overrode his veto. Even a freeze is considered a ‘cut’. Now we have a president who has given us $2 trillion annual deficits and has caused massive inflation with his war on energy. There is plenty of blame to go around.

The budget was passed by the Hiuse and Senate. What war on energy?

“ U.S. oil production is forecast to average an all-time high of 12.8 million barrels a day this year and keep growing to 13.1 million in 2024, the federal …Aug 28, 2023”

Guess an all-time high isn’t good enough for you!

The oil companies can export oil to whomever they want. The oil companies are making huge profits. They know how to keep supplies at the demand level ensuring those profits.

Rebublikooks only worry about when a Democrat is president. When a Republican is President, the Kooks spend like drunken sailors (e.g. Bush and Drumpf)!

Why didn’t Drumpf refinance portions of the debt at low interest rates? He is a genius isn’t he?

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