international affairs

Here-​at-​Home Problem

The China problem is “not just a distant ‘over there’ problem,” Rep. Mike Gallagher (R‑Wisc.) recently argued. “As the spy balloon incident as well as the illegal CCP police stations on American soil illustrate, it’s a ‘right here at home’ problem.”

It’s also a just-​north-​of-​us problem. Canada is currently expelling a Chinese diplomat and dealing with the fallout over China’s interventions in Canadian politics, along with big financial gifts to a foundation for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s father.

An article in The Globe and Mail nonchalantly explained the reasons China is engaged in trying to control the speech of every one of the planet’s inhabitants. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has many international goals:

  • “build acceptance abroad for its claims on Taiwan, a self-​ruled island that it … reserves the right to annex by force.”
  • “play down its conduct in Xinjiang, where the office of former UN Human Rights commissioner Michelle Bachelet last year said China has committed ‘serious human-​rights violations.’”
  • “generate support for a draconian 2020 national-​security law to silence opposition and dissent in Hong Kong.”
  • “quell foreign support for Tibet, a region China invaded and annexed more than 70 years ago, and to discourage opposition to Beijing’s militarization of the South China Sea and sweeping maritime claims in the region.”

Having committed a long list of crimes against humanity, the CCP understandably demands that everyone keep their mouths shut. 

Rep. Gallagher believes the U.S. should improve “our deterrent posture across the Taiwan Strait” and communicate “in clear terms that we will not stand idly by while the CCP continues to increase its aggression internationally” — while President Biden has repeatedly pledged U.S. military support for Taiwan.

But for some reason, Biden has never discussed the prospect with the American public. 

As if it weren’t our concern, too.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Here-​at-​Home Problem”

The ChiComs don’t have to go to war with us. Many of our politicians are willing to sell us out to them.

Clear that it’s entirely possible that we will “stand idly by” while China does what it will with Taiwan.
The CCP funneled literally millions of dollars to multiple Biden family members through multiple (17 then, more than 20 now) shell companies in exchange for unknown services and for no legitimate business operations. None of the Bidens that recieved money (millions) from China registered as a foreign agent representative, which makes it a felony. And every money transfer to a new shell company (then 17, now more than 20) requires an additional registration.
We don’t know what was bought; what national security interests have already been compromised ( like the push for national and military electric vehicles that will necessarily have to run on Chinese batteries); nor what future interests have been sold. But it would certainly raise the question that if the CCP tries to take Taiwan, and we saber-​rattle but ultimately that country is engulfed, then was that loss intentional and a manipulation by a literal Manchurian candidate?

Yeah, I remember that time the Chinese regime had you arrested for refusing to register for the draft.

And the time the Chinese regime murdered nearly 90 Americans at a religious enclave outside Waco, Texas.

And the time Edward Snowden had to flee to Russia to escape the Chinese regime’s punishment of him for revealing its crimes.

And the time the Chinese regime asked the British regime to extradite an Australian journalist so that it could murder him for exposing its crimes.

That there Chinese regime really is one of our biggest problems here.

For some reason? Here are three:
1. Biden is compromised by his and his family’s association with China.
2. Biden cannot even read a teleprompter, much less utter a coherent sentence without first being pumped full of stimulants.
3. Biden works a six hour day. Most Americans are working while he sleeps in. He calls a lid on the day when workers are still at their jobs.

How and when is he expected to discuss the danger China represents?

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