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Biden Brazenness Against Religion

April is the cruelest month, wrote T.S. Eliot, but he wasn’t referring to the Biden Administration’s ramped-​up war on Christianity.

Mid-​month, the administration barred Catholic priests of the Holy Name College Friary from providing “pastoral care” to servemembers at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The government contract had been granted, instead, to Mack Global LLC, which the archdiocese characterizes as “a secular defense contracting firm that cannot fulfill the statement of work in the contract.”

Not convinced that this Daily Signal story amounts to “a war on Christianity”?

Well, try The Epoch Times. In “Christians Say Government Targets Them Because They Oppose Left-​Wing Agenda,” Kevin Stocklin lists a number of federal government policies that favor left-​wing politics over the social and political activism of Catholics and other Christians. 

Abortion activists, pro- and anti‑, do occasionally engage in what might plausibly be called “terrorist” activities, but the FBI appears avid in hounding pro-​life protesters, yet uninterested in doing any actual work to curb the string of “violent attacks, including assaults and firebombings, against pro-​life individuals and institutions.”

Rep. Jim Jordan (R‑Ohio)’s “subpoena to the FBI earlier this month demanding information on its alleged program to surveil Catholics for ‘signs of radicalization,’” spurred Stocklin’s reporting about the government’s increasing conflict with Christianity.

Why see traditional Christians as enemies of the State? Because they are.

Potentially, at least.

In part, simply because those who worship God see a worshipful attitude towards the State as something akin to idolatry. And apparently vice versa. But sociologists such as Robert Nisbet regard religion as a countervailing power against ever-​growing government.

If you are looking for a jealous god, the modern total State fills the bill.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Biden Brazenness Against Religion”

Mack Global LLC, a secular defense contractor, is self-​described as ‘your one-​stop procurement for janitorial supplies, industrial machinery, aggregates and raw materials’.
This company has nothing to do with religious or pastoral care. It suggests that the Walter Reed patients are being denied their freedom to exercise their religion.

Eagerly awaiting a companion piece on how the religious right is advancing its agenda to turn the U.S. into Gilead.…

Feel free to help point out some of those stories. We have hit GOP legislators in FL and ND and AR and NE and elsewhere for terrible legislation. But not so much in my recollection were they “the religious right.” Please feel free to post here any things I should delve into or even email me: paul@​libertyifund.​org. I’ll look. Thanks.

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