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Good Night, Mr. Fetterman

In popular political culture, it’s the Republican Party that’s historically been fettered with the moniker of “The Stupid Party.” 

That’s what liberal philosopher and economist John Stuart Mill called Britain’s Tories, and affixing the “stupid” label to conservatives has been important for intellectuals ever since: it’s one way they feel good about themselves. 

We can argue about the (in)justice of the accusation till the cows come home and go out to pasture again, but it’s the Democrats who are pushing brain-​damaged leaders, not Republicans.

I’m not just referring to President Joseph Robinette Biden’s many out-​of-​mind moments. I’m also talking about Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman’s run for the U.S. Senate.

The man suffered a stroke last spring, and has mostly been hiding out in the proverbial Biden Basement ever since. But on Tuesday he appeared on stage to debate his Republican opponent Dr. Mehmet Oz

Fetterman’s mental impairment? Obvious.

He began with the immortal clumsiness of “Good Night” rather than “Good Evening,” and stumbled through question after question. His handling of the minimum wage issue was slow-​witted, and his awkward and robotic — and so obviously deceptive — repetitions regarding fracking sent shivers down my spine.

It’s not my purpose to make fun of people with brain injuries. But it is my role to call attention to the apologetics by Democrats (and the center-​left/​far-​left news media) for their candidate, and their pretense that Fetterman’s just fine. 

He isn’t. Biden isn’t. 

And this says something about where Democrats are — intellectually; spiritually.

Very not fine.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

US Capitol Building, brain damage

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6 replies on “Good Night, Mr. Fetterman”

This morning, I read a complaint of a Democrat about the “ablism” directed against Mr Fetterman. The same fellow also sneered that Freeman Dyson was senile when he challenged the narrative of AGCC.

So, apparently, it is bigotry to insist that a social democrat is disqualified simply for major mental impairment, but still fine to dismiss opponents of the left-​wing narrative as unintelligent. 


Fetterman is not as impaired as Biden, who is not as impaired as Feinstein. Main qualification to be a Democrat politician now appears breathing and ability to vote “yes” in support of Democrat Party policies.
Anything else is just distraction.

I watched that train wreck of a “debate.” While Dr. Oz had all the facts, figures & policy plans at his command; Fetterman could only repeat “I support Fracking, I support fracking (as his minute speech).
The other joke is his claim to be the average man, who he’ll fight for while accusing Dr Oz of being an elite carpetbagger. Fetterman lived with his parents as a trust fund baby until only a couple of years ago. I think that qualifies him as an elitist. Fetterman has no idea what it takes to work for a living. 

The real nightmare here is that this Fetterman was the nominee. Was there no other Democrat in all the state of PA that could have been nominated. I saw one woman right on Instagram that the only reason she is voting for him, is because he’s not a conservative. Dwell on that for a moment! We have a stupid elect\orate that doesn’t care about issues. 

If this radical leftist, mentally impaired man is elected, our republic is toast.

This is another argument against early voting. Many PA voters had already cast their ballots before this ‘debate’ occurred.
Fetterman may not be fine, Biden isn’t fine, but people will vote for them nevertheless.

Interesting, though, that the leadership of that coalition have hobbled themselves by selecting people who can be no better than pitiful figureheads. Even when a candidate or an elected official is largely just a figurehead, an appearance of intelligence and even of wit helps the party to advance its agenda. One doesn’t imagine Fetterman being reëlected in 2028, nor a different Democratic nominee not distancing herself from the legacy of a Senator Fetterman. 

(Biden was chosen with the plan that he would leave after a bit more than two years, with the hope and expectation that the corporate left would then have nearly ten years of the President whom they really wanted but whom the Democratic base would not support in 2020. But she had herself proved to be something of an embarrassment.)

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