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Faucists on the March


While many experts, including Southwest Airline’s CEO, think that the air filtration systems on jetliners are so good that wearing protective face coverings (“masks”) is pointless, our Doctor Anthony Fauci will have none of it.

When the National Institutes of Health head honcho and Big Pharma Pusher No. 1 was asked about whether we can ditch masks on airplanes, he responded predictably: no. “I think when you’re dealing with a closed space, even though the filtration is good, that you want to go that extra step.…” He says that even with first-​rate filtration systems, “masks are a prudent thing to do, and we should be doing it.”

This was on ABC News’s This Week on Sunday. 

“As Christmas approaches, COVID-​19 again threatens to upend American life, driving the spread, Omicron,” ABC’s Jonathan Karl narrated. “At least 43 states now have confirmed cases of the latest and by far most contagious variant yet. On Saturday alone, New York state reported nearly 22,000 new COVID cases, breaking a single-​day record set just the day before.” And then Karl mentioned total COVID deaths in the United States — but not the number of Omicron deaths. 

See how the propaganda is pitched? The breathless relaying of statistics, but nothing like a sense of the science.

Contra Fauci, these once-​discouraged and now-​forever-​exalted masks are not nearly as effective as made out. And they have severe “unintended” effects.

I put marks around “unintended” because for some people in power, the psychological effects of mandatory masks in a situation of perpetual or seasonal alarm might be the whole point: the inducement of a mass delusional psychosis. How very fascist.

We can appreciate the name “Fauci” both by rhyme and reason: Faucism is medical fascism.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Faucists on the March”

Firstly, Merry Christmas to you & yours, Paul

This man is a little Napoleon or should I say a Dr. Mengele when you take all his experiments on puppies, monkeys & aborted fetuses into consideration. He helped to fun gain of function no matter how he spins it. Now, afraid to lose the spotlight or control, he hypes another mutation to a frenzy. Viruses mutate. That’s what they do. & typically they mutate weaker.
Yes, they hype stats. But out of those stats how many survive? 99%

When are people going to realize that this whole thing has nothing to do with health. It’s all about control.
This brings us to the big question; Who or what is behind this massive push to inoculate the entire world population with spike proteins and graphene oxide?
Sure looks like depopulation to me.
World genocide, or democide.

Experience has shown masking has done little or nothing to stop the spread of this infection, especially the cloth and surgical masks, which have always been more for show than efficacy. N95’s might do a bit more but surprisingly there is no call for the upgrade. 

Omicron is more infectious and less fatal the it’s predecessor variants. That is the normal progression universally observable in prior viral epidemics which, in a less intermixed and mobile world, still had that same progression, going from pandemic to endemic in about two years from recognition. 

We have been generally misinformed and encouraged to develop a hopeful but false belief the vaccines can prevent infection, which was never promised. The only thing the vaccines were meant to or will do is to mitigate the effect of the inevitable infection. The time for almost universal infection appears to have come and thankfully the vaccines and treatments developed will tend to mitigate the damages to the most vulnerable while the vast majority would have survived in any case. 

The end game is near, but that was not the governments doing. This was never truly within its control. 

This debacle will eventually be in the public health textbooks, regardless of its origin, as an outline of what to never do again.

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