education and schooling national politics & policies

Gaslight Theory

“[P]arents are fighting with school boards in cities and towns across the country,” MSNBC’s Joy Reid informed her audience, “over curricula that they believe teaches white kids that they are racist.”

Reid asserted that “none of this is actually happening,” 

She spoke with Kimberlé Crenshaw, the executive director of the African American Policy Forum and a professor of law at UCLA and Columbia University. Crenshaw invented the term “Critical Race Theory” and told Reid that CRT was merely a “boogey-man,” adding: “I think I would know if we were being taught in K-12.” 

The “GOP freak-out over Critical Race Theory,” offered Reid, was a “highly manufactured strategy created by seasoned political operatives looking for the perfect wedge issue.”

Reid ignores parents across the country actively encountering this racist anti-racism. Back in April, parents in Loudoun County, Virginia, documented half a million tax dollars going to programs titled “critical race theory.” After being told there was no such thing. It’s happening all across the country.

But fear not: the National Education Association to the rescue

A few days ago, the nation’s most powerful teachers union cleared it all up by passing New Business Item 39 to defend the use of CRT in K-12 public schools, including by providing “an already-created, in-depth, study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, and that we oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.”

The NEA may be on the wrong side, but nevertheless buries the disingenuous psy-op of the left intelligentsia, for whom no lie is too big to push.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Gaslight Theory”

You could comment on the 35,000 lies that the Washington Post documented that Donald Drumpf told before they ended the project.

Surely you could find something among 35,000 Trump lies to write about but I won’t hold my breath.

Or you could write about the attempt by the right-wing to overthrow the government on January 6th.

Is it possible to be more of a witless partisan hack than “Pam”?

She brings this January 6th event every chance she gets, even when it makes no sense to bring it up.

Apparently she really does think it was an attempt — “a right-wing attempt” no less — to “overthrow the government.” A bunch of misguided goobers “break in” to the Capitol — under very strange circumstances, including what seems like police help, in some strategic locations — and proceed to . . . what? In what way was there a serious attempt to “overthrow” anybody? A laptop was stolen. A podium. Some minor damage. The interlopers chat with security, and PRAISE security. It’s all very low-key.

That’s not how you overthrow a government. It’s not even how you do any real damage.

Democrats are now such hopeless hyperbole-mongers that everything they say requires corrective eyebrow surgery.

I would say Pam is worse than Trump. Thankfully, both are out of office.

Unless Pam is some idiot CIA operative in a back-office somewhere harassing thoughtful people with witless accusations.

You noticed that, too. And like you, I’m not surprised. I’ve been urging parents to get their kids out if they can. Years ago, while critical of the public schools, I did not feel the need to so warn.

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