media and media people Second Amendment rights

Self-​Defense Is for Everybody


Last week, Virginia’s infamous black-​face governor claimed to possess “credible intelligence … of threats of violence surrounding” Monday’s “Lobby Day” gun rights rally in Richmond, including “extremist rhetoric similar to … Charlottesville in 2017.” 

Major media outlets went on a rampage, repeating his linkage between gun rights supporters and “white nationalists” faster than semi-​automatic fire.

“Big media and mainstream media be damned,” announced a Virginia man recorded at yesterday’s event, and tweeted by social media entrepreneur Michael Coudrey. 

The unidentified but obviously black demonstrator jested, at first, that he was “out here because I got roped into it by the group of guys you see standing to my right.” But then he explained his opposition to “Governor Northam and the Democrats’ gun control” as well as “every news piece you’ve seen on this this weekend.…”

He objected especially to the incessant race angle — “as if it’s nothing but white rednecks and hillbillies out here who care for the Second Amendment. I work at a gun store part-​time and I can’t tell you the number of customers I see of all races, all colors, all creeds who care about the Second Amendment.”

His account was corroborated by Julio Rosas, a senior writer at Townhall​.com, who tweeted “pictures of people carrying rifles at the #VirginiaRally and more evidence that debunks the narrative that the rally is filled with racists and white supremacists.”

Yesterday, more than 22,000 pro-​gun people of all races descended on the capitol in a completely peaceful exercise of First Amendment rights in defense of Second Amendment rights … making Richmond the safest city in America. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

NOTE: There was only one arrest at the rally, a woman charged with violating a 1950-​era law against wearing face masks (like Hong Kong’s law). Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-​Cortez (D‑NY) voiced her displeasure that there weren’t more arrests.

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Virginia, guns, 2nd Amendment, race,

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2 replies on “Self-​Defense Is for Everybody”

I don’t know how Northam is still governor. We all heard his interview where he spoke of keeping a baby that had been born comfortable while the parents made a decision whether to let the newborn live. This to me is more egregious than blackface. 

Greatest part about this rally was that it was completely peaceful. Afterwards the marchers cleaned, leaving the square pristine.

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