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Humble Hillary Heads Off


Hillary Clinton announced, yesterday, that she wants to be the next president of these United States. She made it official via an Internet video, which starts off with all kinds of normal, regular folks expressing their hopes and plans for 2015.

The small boy singing about “little tiny fishes” steals the show.

After a minute and a half of innocence-​by-​association, Hillary Clinton comes on to say that she, too, has big plans: “I’m running for president.”

Mrs. Clinton continues: “Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.”

She should know, what with her family’s struggles after leaving the White House in 2000 — multiple mortgages on multiple multi-​million-​dollar domiciles. I’m sure we all relate to that.

“Everyday Americans need a champion and I want to be that champion,” she states, “so you can do more than just get by, you can get ahead and stay ahead.”

Apparently, without Hillary at the helm of our Leviathan federal government, all we can do is “just get by.” Barely. Never “get ahead” and “stay ahead.”

“Because when families are strong,” intones Clinton, “America is strong.”

Yes, the woman who wrote It Takes a Village now extols family strength.

“So I’m hitting the road to earn your vote,” she pledges. “Because it’s your time.”

Or so says this Everywoman, a former first lady, U. S. Senator, presidential candidate, Secretary of State, and savvy cattle futures trader.

Hillary Clinton has had a long career in government. It will be interesting to see what she runs on — what she identifies as accomplishments — as opposed to what she runs away from.

Or deletes.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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Hillary Clinton Campaign



7 replies on “Humble Hillary Heads Off”

I find the whole situation scary as all get out. The republican big wigs seem to favor Bush and now we have Hillary. Wouldn’t that choice be just peachy? I sometimes wonder if the good ole’ USA was hit by a brain destroying super bomb that doesn’t destroy infrastructure. The population just can’t remember it. It’s the only explanation I can think of that would explain American politics today.

Unfortunately it takes a whole lot of money to run for President. And the financial backers give to the horses that can lead the race. Hence a dynasty such as a Clinton & /​ or a Bush. Neither candidate would have my vote.
I find Hillary Clinton to be deceitful, imperious and full of herself. I think she will ruthlessly stop at nothing to reach her own goals. She is another entrenched politician. Nothing new or fresh here. Yes , she knows her way around the back rooms of government & knows how to make deals. I just think her agenda has nothing to do with American families & everything to do with her power.

I expect she’s learned a great deal since she was kicked off the Watergate Commission for being too unethical and corrupt to investigate Tricky Dick. And probably learned even more since she flunked her New York Bar exam and moved to Arkansas where they apparently pass just about everybody. Since she would be every bit as good of a president that Obama has been, the question I have to ask is whether the majority of folks in this country have learned so little that they would voluntarily submit to her yoke?

So Hillary wants to be our champion to help us “get ahead and stay ahead,” does she? Can I assume that means she wants us to get to “the top?” Then she says, “… but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.” So, what does she intend to do to us after we get there?

I think we have a contradiction here; or maybe there is a better word for it.

Dale P. Ferguson
Polson, Montana

She said that American families need a champion. Which would allow one to infer that the president we have had for the past 6+ years have not been championing American families.
Which is pretty believable, but why doesn’t she just say that?

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