
Townhall: The Social Security Collection Agency


It is one thing to get dunning letters for a debt that you did not take on yourself. It is another thing to have the collectors come and just take.

Yes, over at Townhall​.com, it is time to take on the takers … in the SSA. Click on over, then come back here. You know, for good company, and some hints on further reading.

3 replies on “Townhall: The Social Security Collection Agency”

There is no law and order the government abides by. Bureaucratic Tyranny is all that exists.
Why don’t we stop pretending it’s our government? It is not. The government class owns us. 

Happy Holidays.

Every 4rth of July, we celebrate an ‘Old Piece of Paper’ (like the Constitution), that clearly states in the second paragraph that,
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, IT IS THEIR DUTY(emphasis mine), to throw off such Government, and provide new guards for their future Security”…

… I believe that time has come.
the Old Sgt.

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