insider corruption media and media people

Guerrilla Video Strikes Again


Even as many in mainstream media repeatedly insist that there’s nothing to see here, so let’s move on, cheeky activists like James O’Keefe continue to use new technologies to expose dubious doings (and worse) on the political left.

O’Keefe first earned notoriety by recording employees of Planned Parenthood seeming to endorse a racist agenda, and, later, ACORN workers seeming to endorse a criminal one. Planned Parenthood didn’t suffer much of a cost from the ensuing controversies. But ACORN lost congressional funding and eventually shut its doors.

Not entirely, however. Some elements of the organization continued under different guise. O’Keefe’s Project Veritas recently recorded admissions by a field organizer, Jennifer Longoria, for Battleground Texas (BT), an ACORN successor outfit. According to Longoria, BT routinely scrapes voter information from voter registration rolls on behalf of the gubernatorial campaign of Democrat Wendy Davis.

Longoria confesses the chicanery even though BT staff have been warned not to fall prey to O’Keefe-style inquiries about values and practices.

“[E]very time we register somebody to vote, we keep their name, number.…”

“And that’s from the voter registration form?” asks an O’Keefe associate.

“Right, from the form. That data collection is the key.”

The Texas Secretary of State makes clear that voter registrars are prohibited from copying telephone numbers from registration forms. It’s against the law.

A “news gathering” outfit like the Texas Tribune may downplay the revelations, but the cat’s out of the bag. As they say, data collection — and distribution — is the key.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

8 replies on “Guerrilla Video Strikes Again”

But for its ownership, operation and control of America’s elections’ machinery and of our every electoral roll including back several generations and for the millions of criminal aliens whose votes it also owns, the fascist Left would rarely win a governorship, a house, a presidency or a senate. 

Speaking of which, when Hitlercare (and by its any other name: Stalincare, Obamacare, Lenincare etceteras — they all loved it) “passed” the United States Senate, 11 of those who voted for its passage were in the senate by way of electoral and/​or election and/​or voter fraud. 

Brian Richard Allen

Please! Do not fall into the trap of making illegal immigrants the cause of all woes. They are so little a problem it is an embarrassment to hear people usually on the correct side economically, nevertheless, keep using them as a scapegoat. Do not play into the collectivist thinking promoted by FAIR, CIS or NumbersUSA. Those three groups (founded by eugenicist John Tanton)use false stats and lots of scare mongering to make the Latinos the cause of all our problems.


If you started using Disqus (which is free) instead of whatever system you have, your site could grow into a monster.

Brian Richard Allen said something really dumb, but there was no way to respond to him directly, nor could I respond to Lynn Atherton Bloxham to indicate support.

Limiting back and forth between your posters sharply limits interest in your site. If your purpose is to expand the scope of Common Sense, you’re ignoring a huge resource.

Given liberals in government don’t prosecute other liberals who promote their agenda, I seriously doubt Battleground Texas, or any of its employees, will be prosecuted for violating the law. 

I’d like to see Bill O’Reilly start shaming the prosecutor and asking why he’s not prosecuting. That would be good journalism, and a strike against voter fraud.

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