free trade & free markets responsibility too much government

Legislating Only Profits


J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon testified before the Senate Banking Committee yesterday about the $2 billion in trading losses suffered by his company’s London office last month.

Congress is shocked that money can be lost trading derivatives. And our legislative leaders seem to seriously think they can write rules for banks and other financial institutions that protect everyone from such losses, making certain any trading in financial securities is guaranteed to earn a profit.Jamie Dimon

“We will lose some of our shareholders’ money,” Dimon acknowledged, “and for that, we feel terrible. But no client, customer or taxpayer money was impacted by this incident.” In fact, J.P. Morgan Chase is nonetheless expected to turn a profit this quarter — as it has consistently done since the financial crisis.

Still, some politicians and policy makers fear the nation’s largest bank is “too big to fail,” that a collapse could again threaten the stability of the entire economy.

I liked what Rob Cox of Reuters TV’s Fast Forward urged Dimon to tell the senators: “We are not going to fail, but if we do, the failure will be our own. We will bear it on our bond holders, our investors and it will not be a public problem.”

Cox went on to endorse “this idea that banks can go out and they can lose money and they can make money,” adding that “at the end of the day it’s their money, not our money, that’s at risk.”

In other words, no bailouts.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

5 replies on “Legislating Only Profits”

Right answer, right principle. Nothing is too big to fail for, if that is actually believed, the bigger entity, which is to prevent the failure, is, by definition, doomed to fail.
It is generally in the effort to prevent harm and natural consequences that the greatest harm is caused..

The Sherman Antitrust Act is already inplace to prevent the negative impact of corporations that are “too big”. Ergo any “too big” failures are a failure of Congress.

How does the failure of a bank not constitute a public problem? Is JP Morgan Chase not a member of FDIC? In which case their failure will result in the loss of public money.

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