
Easter Rebellion, Lithuanian press ban lifted, Congress declares war on Spain


On April 24, 1916, an Easter Monday in Dublin, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a secret organization of nationalists led by Patrick Pearse, launched an armed uprising against British rule, known as the Easter Rebellion. Soon, the rebels controlled much of the city and proclaimed the independence of Ireland, which had been under the repressive thumb of the United Kingdom for centuries. However, British authorities launched a counteroffensive crushing the uprising in the next days. Nevertheless, the Easter Rebellion is considered a significant marker on the road to establishing an independent Irish republic. The British executed Pearse and 14 other nationalist leaders for their participation, though they were held up as martyrs by many in Ireland. 

On April 24, 1904, the Lithuanian press ban was lifted after almost 40 years in force. The ban was imposed in 1864 by administrative order after the failed January Uprising of 1863. The ban made it illegal to print, import, distribute, or possess any publications in the Latin alphabet within the Russian Empire. Tsarist authorities hoped to decrease Polish influence on Lithuanians and return them to their ancient historical ties with Russia.

On April 24, 1898, the U.S. Congress declared war on Spain, following the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana harbor. The Spanish-​American War marked the first U.S. foreign intervention outside the Americas.

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