
Selma Bloody Sunday, Remagen Bridge, Rhineland occupied, Bell telephone


On March 7, 1965, Alabama state troopers and local sheriff’s deputies attacked a group of 600 civil rights marchers with tear gas and billy clubs as they reach Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge. Two weeks after Selma’s “Bloody Sunday,” 3,200 citizens marched for four days to Montgomery where 25,000 people protested at the capitol.

On March 7, 1945, American troops seize the strategic Ludendorff Bridge over the Rhine River at Remagen, the last remaining bridge over the Rhine River into Germany’s heartland. The bridge allowed the Allies to immediately move tanks and supply trucks across the Rhine.

On March 7, 1936, Hitler sent military forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone along the Rhine River in western Germany, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I. 

On March 7, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.

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