Common Sense

Never Enough


We simply don’t have enough money.” Doesn’t that sounds like all of us when we look at our family budget, but in this case it’s actually James Dyer, staff director of the House Appropriations Committee, complaining about budget caps on Congress.

It seems career politicians can never spend too much of your money. Yet taxpayers, who have been getting soaked for years, are ready to say enough is enough. The average taxpayer spends 42 percent of his or her income on taxes there are income taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, etc. So here we are paying more to government in taxes then we spend on housing, or on food, or you name it. And yet for those in Washington it’s never enough.

But there are those in Washington on the taxpayers’ side. Representative Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and a number of members who have limited their time in Congress are fighting to hold the line on wasteful spending. When the House tried to give hundreds of millions more to federal bureaucrats, Coburn led the charge against this waste. Coburn says plainly, “My inclination is to try to get Republicans to do what they told the American people they will do and not spend any money above the caps and not spend one dollar of Social Security money.”

Nowhere is the dividing line between career politicians and citizen legislators more clear than when it comes to spending our hard-​earned tax dollars. Career politicians spend trillions of tax dollars with the attitude that it’s never enough. Tom Coburn and other term-​limited members are standing up and saying, “Enough is enough!”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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