individual achievement progress

The Power of Man’s Mind

Can you communicate with your mind alone, without moving a muscle?

Setting aside fantasy and wishful thinking, my answer is, at least presumptively, “No.”

But the paralyzed man known as T5 was not alone when the sentences he imagined appeared on screen at a rate of 18 words per minute with an accuracy of about 94 percent.

He had the help of inventive scientists. And, by some definitions, I suppose T5 did move a muscle: his brain. 

Normally, though, we must also move other muscles to get what’s on our mind out into the world and communicate it to others.

After suffering a spinal cord injury in 2007, T5 became almost entirely paralyzed. Several years later, he enrolled in a clinical trial called BrainGate2 to research brain-​computer interfaces.

Two small microchips were implanted in his brain.

Scientist Frank Willett of Stanford University and his colleagues asked T5 to imagine that he was writing individual letters and punctuation marks. They found that the patterns of neural activity they recorded were distinct for each letter, period, and comma.

Now all they had to do — a trifle! — is train an algorithm to predict, based on T5’s neural patterns, what letter or punctuation mark he was writing in his imagination.

It worked. Initial accuracy: 94 percent. With autocorrect that percentage went up to 99.

As yet, the technology is said to be too rudimentary to be practically applied. But the basic approach has been shown to be viable. The work also communicates the power of human ingenuity.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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Deep State, Deeply Fake

Is there a good, presumptive reason to believe what the government tells us?

Not when it comes from the “intelligence” agencies.

One of the more breathtaking developments of recent years has been the transformation of Democratic Party politicians and activists from skeptics of alphabet soup intelligence agencies — CIA, NSA, FBI and many more — to becoming enthusiastic cheerleaders.

On the bright side, Republicans are drifting in the other direction, from their old-​fashioned lockstep support of “intelligence agencies” to a new realism — the relentless Deep State “coup” attempts against the Trump Administration having proved … instructive.

While we might wish to think that, whew!, these agencies are comprised of loyal Americans, consider what Senator Chuck Schumer said earlier this year, almost approvingly: “You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

But more important than all this is the developing techniques the Deep State can marshal. I refer to Deepfake tech, where anything video can be faked, convincingly and completely. If not now, then very soon, technicians within the Deep State — and outside, too — will be able to videofake anything, from Trump cavorting with Moscow hookers to an Iranian “attack” to … UFO landings.

We shouldn’t have trusted intelligence agencies in the run-​up to the Iraq conquest, now we have good reason to doubt anything and everything they tell us. 

Which means Congress should take very tight control of them, rein these agencies in — for Congress is indeed worried about deepfake tech.


Well, de-​classifying old secrets might be a good start. The last bit of the JFK assassination files? Maybe. UFOs? Maybe. But it’s what’s not on our radar that may be the most important.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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We Need iPads

Every once in a while somebody explains that “we” don’t need this or that product, however great it may be and however great the demand for it. For example, a tech reviewer dubs Apple’s latest iPad models “largely unnecessary,” given last-​year models almost as capable.

The charge of unnecessariness is surely false when we’re talking about customers who do want the most cutting-​edge technology and can put it to good use. But it’s false in a broader perspective too — unless we suppose that all advances in human civilization beyond the level of the hut and the bearskin are “largely unnecessary” to human survival and well-being.

If technological progress is necessary, so are key aspects of how that progress happens, including the fact that it so often happens by “largely unnecessary” increments. Any given marginal advance in computer or PC tech may have been dispensable. But the same can’t be said of the process of cumulative improvement as a whole. Consider, for example, that some ninety percent of what we now do on our PCs would have been impossible to do with the 1980 PC. Our 2014 laptops could not have been crafted without myriad intermediate advances.

As striving human beings, our needs evolve as our means improve and enable us to pursue ends that we could not have pursued with less powerful means. Ergo, I welcome every little improvement we can get. And I can hardly wait for my 2025 iPad.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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High Tech versus Disaster

Amidst all the tragedy dealt by the earthquake in Haiti, there have also been inspiring tales of coping and survival — some occasioned by the wonders of modern technology.

Consider the cell phone and its muscular cousin, Apple’s versatile iPhone.

The iPhone was the star of Dan Woolley’s self-​rescue effort. Woolley, an American filmmaker, was in Haiti when the earthquake buried him in rubble. Help would not arrive until three days later. So he consulted an iPhone application to learn how to make a tourniquet for his leg and bandage his own head wound. Without the software, Woolley might not have survived.

Few in Haiti have iPhones, but many have access to some kind of cell phone. For weeks after the earthquake, electricity was out. Landlines were dead too. But in a patchy way the cellular network was up within days. Voice calls remained iffy, but you could easily send text messages.

Without electricity, though, how to power up a drained cell phone and contact a loved one? That’s where street-​corner entrepreneurs came in, hooking up power strips to car batteries and charging 40 cents or so to charge a cell.

We often take technology for granted. But the high-​tech that makes life easier in normal times can also help us contend with disaster. As do the markets that make the technology and its maintenance possible. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.