folly media and media people responsibility too much government

The Missing Links?

Is giving presidents a hard time for playing too much golf itself a pastime?

In Fahrenheit 911, filmmaker Michael Moore portrayed then-​President George W. Bush, as more golfer than president — as if W. had secured the nation’s top job as a ruse to convince his wife to let him golf more.

Likewise, Republicans attacked President Barack Obama for incessantly hitting the links. In 2014, when ISIS came frighteningly close to Baghdad, Obama went golfing, causing Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank to bemoan the fact that “Obama’s golf habit needlessly hands his critics a gimme.”

An amusing website documented all of Obama’s golf outings … and plays audio of him pledging not to rest “until the dream of healthcare reform is finally achieved” and “until every American who is able and ready and willing to work can find a job,” etc.

Note: Obama never promised not to tee off.*

“Between 2011 and 2016,” SB-​Nation reports, Donald Trump “tweeted at least 26 complaints, jokes, or scoldings about Barack Obama playing golf while president.”

Now, President Trump is getting the backswing scrutiny. While Obama didn’t golf during his first four months in office, Politico informs that Trump went golfing after two weeks and, in nine weeks, has already played a dozen rounds of golf. 

Good. I wish all the politicians in Washington spent more time on the course and less “governing.”

Even more so as Republicans consider taking a mulligan on healthcare …  and Mr. Trump invited Sen. Rand Paul to join him on the fairway. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.


* In the closing days of the Obama administration, Golf Digest published a story lauding Obama’s “deep commitment to supporting the golf industry.” However, the publication informed readers that, while Obama golfed more than his immediate predecessors, Presidents Clinton and Bush 43, he didn’t hit the links nearly as much as Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and Woodrow Wilson.

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initiative, referendum, and recall insider corruption

What Does Bloomberg Stand … Fore!

Hey! I’ve got something good to say about the anti-​democratic mayor of New York City.

It seems that Michael Bloomberg — who lately has become notorious for flouting the rules in the service of his personal power — plays by them religiously when the arena involves … uh … playing.

Turns out Bloomberg is a conscientious stickler when it comes to the sort of activity that doesn’t much matter. He’s not concerned about duly enacted electoral decisions to restrict the political power of city officials, mind you. But on the golf course — fore! He is the prince of fair play.

The mayor throws hissy fits when anybody dares question him about how he colluded with the city council to unilaterally undermine the city’s term limits law. At one impudent reporter, he barked, “You’re a disgrace!” But now data is emerging about how the mayor “is a stickler for obeying the golfer’s code of ethics.” 

According to his golf mates, he is scrupulous to a fault.

Daniel Menaker, a freelance writer, has a sassy piece online at the Huffington Post about Bloomberg’s chameleon sense of virtue. Menaker speculates that the golf course gives the mayor a way to “think that he is an ethical stickler. He may play hob with term limits, but he plays golf by the book.”

Great for the golf game, I guess. Not so great for governance.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.